fw1.06 ac30 U2, almost there...!!

I know that you mean. I'm feeling that, with Edge's sounds, it's really more simple than we imitators feel it is. I think he has great ears, and the money and ability to endlessly experiment with guitars/effects/amps/mics/etc to get the exact sound that he wants.

I might be wrong, but I feel like 'Streets' is just the guitar, the FA-1, the SDD, and the Vox...and I think that Vox has a unique sound. And it's tough to duplicate. Especially when we don't have access to it. :)
Quick A/B clip between my rig (guitar into axe fx) and U2's recent live in Paris. I'm still missing that extra crunch in the 2KHz area but I'm getting much closer than I used to with previous wf's. Any ideas on how to get that crunchiness on the hi mids without losing definition??

Sounds great!!
To me it sounds like Edge has more mix but less tail in the delay. And maybe even reverb or it might be a live thing. Also your guitar is louder in comparison. I bet if you fix the delay and volume issue it's there. :) Good job buddy!
all i think after listening to any of these clips is "they all sound great and i'd be more than happy using any of them". sometimes the obsession can blind us to the fact that it already sounds fantastic....is that last .001% really that important??
all i think after listening to any of these clips is "they all sound great and i'd be more than happy using any of them". sometimes the obsession can blind us to the fact that it already sounds fantastic....is that last .001% really that important??
My thoughts exactly. It sounds really good. I mean if someone told me it's Edge playing I would completely take his word for it. Stop obsessing! I know I've done the same with Petrucci sounds. It eventually led to shooting IR's with curve spectrum comparisons of Petrucci's real tones and using the exact same mics and cabs he used and trying to nail the exact same sound as closely as possible.... on the other hand that was how Cab Pack 7 came to be so maybe the obsession takes you somewhere. :D

I just want to remind you that eventually you'll have to be content with the sound you have and it will never be 100% like Edge. :) It's already 95% like Edge and to most people it's 100% there.
@edo, according to the specs. the signature Edge Strat comes with .009 strings. Is that true? If so, before you recorded your clip, did you replace them with .010's or .011's?

@edo, according to the specs. the signature Edge Strat comes with .009 strings. Is that true? If so, before you recorded your clip, did you replace them with .010's or .011's?


Yes I think it came with 9, I didn't even strum it and put 11's before plugging in
The challenge is that we have no idea of the fine details of what goes into Edge's signal chain. In addition to whatever effects he is using, who know how many amps and AxeFX's are being used to create this sound? At most we can get 2 amps in the Axe. He has 4 of them and as many amps on stage (if not more). To get as close as some of you have with a single Axe is nothing short of amazing.

In the current tour (the clip I used for A/B comparison) the signal is guitar > 2290 (which is an axe fx 2xl used for delay only) > Vox 1 (ac30hw2x, top boost channel). In older tours it was strat > tc2290 > Vox 1 (64's top boost) and Vox box (90's uk top boost in an iso booth off stage).
Cool! Do you have a link to the source of this information? I would like to read more about his signal paths for other songs and tours.
Cool! Do you have a link to the source of this information? I would like to read more about his signal paths for other songs and tours.

Well, no actual source for this info.. The only source is finding videos on yt where you can see the foot controller and check what IA lights are on.. Or ask me and a few other nerds who got the dirty job done already!
Wow that's the best "Streets" sound yet any chance you can upload the preset to the Axe exchange
All the best Chris
Yes I think it came with 9, I didn't even strum it and put 11's before plugging in

That's what I figured, I can hear the difference. I think that's one of the reasons why the high-E sounds like it does on your intro. riff. Sounds like your hitting a taut telephone pole guy-wire! :)

@edo, how do you achieve that 'live' tone, do you use a reverb block at the end, if so, which one? I presume you're using stereo cabs, panned left and right?

That's what I figured, I can hear the difference. I think that's one of the reasons why the high-E sounds like it does on your intro. riff. Sounds like your hitting a taut telephone pole guy-wire! :)

@edo, how do you achieve that 'live' tone, do you use a reverb block at the end, if so, which one? I presume you're using stereo cabs, panned left and right?


Not sure about the telephone example..!! Lol I'm using a mono cab block (as if it was a real combo) and adding a little hall reverb at the end of the chain to give it some live ambience
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