fw 18 public beta global block bug? [NOT A BUG]

while i was playing with fw 18 (and fw 18 was playing with my private parts) i noticed that when i store, my adjustments are not translated to other presets. to be more specific, i am using the uber and i changed the low freq on the speaker tab and also the power amp hardness.
can anyone confirm this?

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Not doing that here.
Are you sure it's a "global" block? Do the source and target presets both have "global" amp blocks, and the same instance, indicated by "G1" (or G2 etc.) at the top of the amp blocks?
yek! thanks for lookin into this!
yes, i am sure its the same instance and everything is a global block. i will give it another shot later and report back to you.
You need to update all presets first so that they are the latest revision. Otherwise your advanced settings will be overwritten upon recall.
thanks! i realized that my b m t settings were translated to other presets, not so the advanced stuff. before i read your post i unlinked and relinked my presets and now it works flawlessly!
thanks again, have a good one!
Because of the new stuff in 18, things under the hood are changed. Pre-18 presets are automatically "updated". You can't prevent this.
It's the same as executing "Update Amp defaults". More info

Sorry for beeing slow in my head but what does Cliff mean then with "You need to update all presets first so that they are the latest revision."?

Thanks for your patience in advance.
Sorry for beeing slow in my head but what does Cliff mean then with "You need to update all presets first so that they are the latest revision."?

Thanks for your patience in advance.

Yeah, that's something else. A bit difficult to explain. And I don't know for sure how it works.
Something like this: the preset template has various revisions. With some firmware updates the revision gets updated, for example because of new effect parameters etc.
A preset can continue to exist based on an old revision. As soon as that preset is saved again, its revision is updated to the latest revision.
This all happens under the hood.

Now here's where it can go wrong: when using global blocks or when using Recall Effect. In those cases the interaction between presets, based on different preset revisions, can fail. What the user then needs to do, is to save the presets to make sure they are all in the latest revision.
Yeah, that's something else. A bit difficult to explain. And I don't know for sure how it works.
Something like this: the preset template has various revisions. With some firmware updates the revision gets updated, for example because of new effect parameters etc.
A preset can continue to exist based on an old revision. As soon as that preset is saved again, its revision is updated to the latest revision.
This all happens under the hood.

Now here's where it can go wrong: when using global blocks or when using Recall Effect. In those cases the interaction between presets, based on different preset revisions, can fail. What the user then needs to do, is to save the presets to make sure they are all in the latest revision.

Ok I see.
Thanks for your explanation.

Regards Jesper
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