FW 15 user cabs are silent


FW 15 user cabs are silent [SOLVED]

I just load 15.02 and also all the presets of fw15
When i select anything from the user cab slots all i get is silence.
Any clues why this is?

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Have you bypassed the cab or amp block? If you have them set to MUTE then once they are bypassed the signal stops there.
No nothing in the preset or global settings have changed. As soon as i select a user cab, silence.

If its a stereo cab, the side which has the user cab is silent
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Trying to find a cabinet to load, can u upload one?

Wait i found some

When i load a cab with fractal bot to a user a slot (7) it works. Great. But, the other instance of the same cab (that sits in slot 9, loaded before 15.02) is silent. This is not so much a problem if u can reload all cabs from my computer, but what i dont have on my computer are my own personal Irs that i have shot with axe fx utility.
I think the OP likes the IRs they shot and wants to keep using them. Only thing I can think to suggest is to roll back to FW14 (hopefully the user IRs work again), save the IRs to computer, upgrade to FW15 and reload the IRs. Sorry, NMG; sounds like a pain in the backside. Hope someone else has a better solution. Good luck.
Yeah, I don't think you need to downgrade to transfer to the computer, but I haven't tried. I'd suggest that... and keeping a "hard copy" (just a PC backup) of everything.
Its not so much the loss of cabs as just recognising there is a fault. I shot replacement Irs today so that's all good. The ir s that are silent are the pack that came with 15.0, i know that if i load them in now, they will work fine.

Problem solved. I had performed a system reset after the fw download and that must of wiped the cabs! The names were still there but after cycle the power a second time all user cabs are empty.

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