Fuzz Pedals

I have been touring and haven't been able to update my axe fx ultra to 10 yet. I have heard the marsha and shiva but noone has posted any of the new fuzz pedals.....Are they not of a good quailty or is it just not peoples things. If there is anybody out here who could do a quick recording of the new fuzz models i would appreciate it as i am dying to hear them. Cheers
No one here has a recording of the new fuzz effects here??? no opinion??? this must be the first time in any update a new feature has been ignored or not talked about :eek:
Sadly, it isn't. About 90% of the threads on this forum are about the amps, and I'd be surprised if 2% of them comprised pedals, when it comes to updates. I was expecting to hear at least a peep about the solved slew rate algorithm, but alas...

I don't yet own an Axe, by the way, otherwise I would throw something up. :)
Tasty as always, Cardinal!

People complained about the fuzzes before fw 10, but the Hard Fuzz was already there and sounds terrific.
As demonstrated here by you.
It was a Fender Esquire and the Maz 38 model breaking up a little bit if I played hard. Brit 2x12 cab... I don't have the patch saved anymore, sorry I can't be more specific!
Great clip but the hard fuzz...was ther ebefore v10...i have it...i just havent heard the new fuzz's....cant wait to come of tour to check it out. No one here seems to be into the new fuzz's at all
Ok Cardinal you win, I've gone must have been months without being the can I see that patch guy, and as always I know your fingers wont be included but I'd love to dig my paws into this one.
cardinal of crunk said:
ok, here is one of the new fuzzes: Face Fuzz
Also in front of a new amp model, the 1987X MOD

not trying to nail the Time toan but this is my "fat fuzz" go to patch any time i need a fuzzy lead sound

i butchered the solo but here it is

http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_so ... ID=9424674

Great tone! I added a patch to my previous patches, with 1987x and fuzz face. Can you share the patch? I think your sound "biter" :mrgreen:
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