
Hey All I am putting it out there to see see what the community thinks is the best Amp/Presets to use or general best way to use Fuzz/OD/Distortion pedals with the AXE FX II
I LOVE my FUZZ and simply put them before my Instr input.

At the end of the day my Fuzz pedals can’t be beat the tone is just monsterious and still love a little analog with my digital.
Has anyone foud a good formula, Any amps that seem to work better then others ?
do you remove anything specific in the settings to make the amps/AXE FX act more friendly to pedals.

I have not had any problems, but just looking for more geekness !

Any thoughts, tips, I’m open.
Thanks !!
The Amps in the AXE respond very much like real amps, so light crunch settings are usually best for a Fuzz. For the fuzz settings, I find a slight bit reduction really gives a more realistic fuzz sound.
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Make sure to set the Impedance parameter correct in IN/GTE.
I have great results with my Shin Fuzz in front of the Shiva Clean and Fender Bassman. Get your point on the analogue element... I'm sure it's pure psychology though. I bet noone could tell the difference. Glad my two handy and my ears are still 100% analogue... That's probably a firmware update for the Axe FX IV in 10 years - finger vibrato IR's. Do you want the Lukather, Vai or BB King vibrato...? ;-) Cheers C
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My personal Vibe/Fuzz patch can be found on my patch website.

I've found fuzzes work the same way in the Axe as in real life. Rarely do you max your guitar's volume, and putting it into a Marshall / Greenback speaker combo seems to work wonders.

I'd assume just turning off the Fuzz block on the preset would mean the same sound using a real fuzz in front of the Axefx.

Open the link above Cliff's comment. It's the manual.
Open the link above Cliff's comment. It's the manual.

So out of those four manual options is there one that is correct for fuzz or is it a use your ears kind of thing?
I'm looking forward to trying this out, Ge fuzzes have like a oc44 treble booster may really benefit from this.
So out of those four manual options is there one that is correct for fuzz or is it a use your ears kind of thing?
I'm looking forward to trying this out, Ge fuzzes have like a oc44 treble booster may really benefit from this.

For me it's a use your ears thing.

A lot depends on the pedal, guitar pickups, guitar cables, and where you put the pedal in the chain.

Just hook everything up and then listen to the tone with the fuzz on and bypassed as you select different impedance settings. The best setting should be obvious.

Note that if you decide "Automatic" sounds best, that setting can automatically change based on adding new blocks to your preset.

Also, if you change guitars or cables or put the fuzz into a different part of the signal path, you might need to redo the impedance setting too.
While I think the Axe II has much improved drive models I still put dirt pedals in front of the input just for different flavors. Take pedals very well...as well as any amp IMO. I use Drv1 and Drv2 plus X&Y plus an amp preamp sometimes as a dirt boost. Fuzzes sparingly as they heavily color the sound. I cascade lo-gain outboard pedals and inboard drives all the time. Makes a great tone gumbo.
I'm sorry to be so dense and hijack thread.
I think this may be my missing fuzz link.
Does automatic make the input impedance automatically "correct" if a fuzz is first block active?
Then change input impedance once fuzz is bypassed?
Does automatic make the input impedance automatically "correct" if a fuzz is first block active?


Auto is always good. But it can cause an audible click under certain circumstances, for example engaging a Wah, or Phaser.
So out of those four manual options is there one that is correct for fuzz or is it a use your ears kind of thing?
I'm looking forward to trying this out, Ge fuzzes have like a oc44 treble booster may really benefit from this.

1M is what a real amp would have to start with. so when using external pedals going guitar-fuzz (od etc.)-Axe input, 1M would be the first choice to check as this woulf come closest to the real deal. all other settings apply more to the virtual pedals inside the Axe.
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