Fuzz help, please - "Satisfaction" guitar tone


I'm trying to get that Keith Richards, fuzz tone for the intro of Satisfaction. I have never used fuzz so I'm looking for some direction on where to start. Thanks for any help. I appreciate it.
Keef wrote the riff playing thru a Fender Showman and a Maestro FZ 1 fuzz tone...not sure what the equivalent on the axe is......check @yek s guide to the drives...
Kudos to Brad - most people make the mistake and say that Keef used a FZ-1a for Satisfaction. Nope - he used the FZ-1. I was lucky to snag one several years ago - sounds awesome. I got it more for Steve Howe tones than Keef's though.
Master fuzz, turn the bias setting down pretty low, it will get that kind of splatty/velcro tone

Play with your volume pot on your guitar,vary your pick attack too, fuzz tones are very dynamic in that regard

Its tough to get a perfect fuzz tone on the Axe, because a fuzz circuit is so dynamic and depends so much upon pickups, volume, tone, attack, even temperature on same transistors, but the Axe can get pretty close. Even to do the job

There are some fairly inexpensive hardware fuzz pedal options on the market too, like the EHX Satisfaction fuzz, which was designed to mimic that tone, probably find one for like $50 used
I've always heard Keith intended horns to play that riff. He considered the guitar track as a scratch track. They ended up keeping it and it since became iconic.
When I engage the master fuzz my overall preset level drops despite the MF level being on max, this doesn’t happen with other drives jus wondering if anybody has any ideas?
Ketil gets on here from time to time. Great player, obviously very versatile. I think he goes by rednebb, if I recall that right
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