Furman Voltometer Readings


While I am waiting on the AxeFX Ultra to be in stock, so I can order one, on Friday, I bought a new 8-space rack and ended up purchasing the Furman Line Conditioner model M-8Dx.

The numbers on this has been fluctuating in between 111 and 117. Is this normal? The manual doesn't talk about this at all, which I find odd - anyways, any enlightenment from you all would be greatly appreciated!
The M-8Dx is not a voltage regulator. The voltmeter shows input voltage, not output voltage. Mine has a meter display rather than a digital readout, and it can rarely make up its mind between 114 and 116 for more than a minute or so.
The Furman stuff is pretty accurate at reading voltage. The M8 series are +/- 2VAC and does not employ an RMS reading, RMS being as accurate as you can get but is still only +/- 1VAC.

I use the PL- Pluse D series ll for a little more accuracy and protection but from what I've read about the Axe it's not really needed. I use it for more of a plug bar for the rest of my gear.

For voltage to jump around like that is somewhat normal. I have seen voltage changes where I live to go from 112-125 VAC from day to day depending on the time of day I turn on the equipment.

Unless I had very sensitive and extremely expensive equipment I wouldn't bother with a regulator, they are very pricy and heavy to boot.
I wrestled with the issue of power conditioning for quite some time. There is so much drifting, conflicted info on the net that it's very difficult to ascertain exactly how necessary good power conditioning is. I have had power surges and spikes blow up sh*t in the past, so I know that stuff happens sometimes. However, is a plain radio shack surge protector all we need? Or should we have a voltage regulating monster with all the bells and whistles and trimmings?
For every confident answer, often you'll find a contrasting answer that is just as compelling. I do know that minor voltage fluctuations can lead to a disproportionately greater voltage swing in tube amplifiers which at the very least may contribute to a compromised sound.

After awhile I gave up and just bit the bullet for my own piece of mine. I bought this:

http://www.guitarcenter.com/Furman-P-18 ... 1442972.gc

It helped that I work at Guitar Center and got a great discount, so my situation is a bit different. But I gotta say, I've been able to derive a lot of peace of mind from my purchase and I guess, if anything else, that makes the purchase worth it to me.

Also, my voltmeter range has been about 117-124V, usually hovering at around 119-121V. 111-117V swings seems a bit low too me, kindof suggesting that your power lines might not be the greatest.
Thanks - yeah, I do have pretty old wiring in the house here, but if you look at the specs of the AxeFX it does list the voltage range it can operate with and I seem to be within that range..
Sixstring said:
Tybalt said:
I bought this:

http://www.guitarcenter.com/Furman-P-18 ... 1442972.gc

It helped that I work at Guitar Center and got a great discount, so my situation is a bit different. But I gotta say, I've been able to derive a lot of peace of mind from my purchase and I guess, if anything else, that makes the purchase worth it to me.

If you don't mine me asking what did the P-1800 cost you after your discount?

I don't mind you asking, I'd be curious myself, but I'm not at liberty to say. There's kind of an implicit understanding between employee and distributor not to divulge the margins involved in their products in return for being able to get those products at cost. This makes sense especially because Guitar Center is still seen as the type of place where that profit margin is negotiable.

I realize that I'm fairly anonymous under the label Tybalt, but employee discounts is one of the very few benefits at working at Guitar Center so might as well not bite the very tiny, itty-bitty, teensy-weensy, barely-there hand that feeds me.

I'll say this, I also have a Cyberpower UPS that powers my computer that has power conditioning, automatic-voltage regulation, a battery that kicks in if theres power failure that allows me to safely turn off my components and I got it for like 100 bucks or something like that from Newgg.com.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... -_-Product

Which is better? Shrug, the internetz say both.
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