Full song (proggy stuff) + vocals - FW 15.02


Hi guys!
This is a song from one of my projects, called Four Reasons (https://www.facebook.com/FourReasonsOfficial), where I collaborate with a female vocalist friend of mine.
I'd really love to get some feedback about tone and mixing, what do you think / what would you change and whatnot... :)
I know some of you guys are really good at this so, if possible, I'd like to get some pointers from the lot of you, hope I'm not asking too much!
Anyway, here's the link - thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy!

Per quel che può contare il mio giudizio, la voce pare un po' troppo avanti rispetto al resto, rimane un po' slegata dagli strumenti...
Il pezzo è molto ben congegnato e suonato, quando ci sono solo gli strumenti non si avverte questa "scollatura".
Per quello che riguarda i suoni, a parte i gusti personali, proverei a ingrossare un po' le chitarre, magari togliendo un po' di riverbero che tende a rendere meno diretto e corposo il suono. Però magari a te piace esattamente così quindi le mie sono solo opinioni personali :)
Suona molto Epica-style, bello il solo, brava la cantante. Voce adattissima per il genere, io darei solo un po' più di medio bassi per enfatizzare il "corpo" della voce.
In generale, comunque, notevole...
Ho commentato in italiano per esser e più chiaro possibile!

PS: sorry guys, I wrote in italian to be as clear as possible...
Thanks man!
I didn't send all of the instruments to a reverb bus (i.e. I kept guitars and keys dry), I have done that only for some of them; about the others, I slammed another reverb on the main out so that, in my head at least, there was a cohesive element that would somehow glue everything together and give even those "dry" instruments a sense of space... I'll try lowering the dry/wet signal there and see what happens!
Another thing that I was wondering about is if the track has enough bass: it sounds fine on my headset and from my monitors, but they may be overly "generous" on the low end of the spectrum so I wanted to know if there is still enough bottom end on other audio systems :)
Anyway for now I'll start by trying and add more low-mids to the guitars as you suggested.
Anyone else?
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So...listened with monitor and Beyerdynamic DT880pro...IMHO, it lacks a bit of low end, just to answer your doubt...with monitors the instuments seems to be "more distant" than with headphones...
Ascoltata attraverso dei monitor ti confermo che manca parecchio di basse.

Io sinceramente il problema lo avverto nel basso perchè il resto mi pare buono. Come l'hai registrato? Hai anche la traccia DI?
Inoltre la voce la sento un po' troppo invasiva sulle medio-alte, cosa che le conferisce un suono un po' plasticoso e appesantisce il mix. Proverei a controllare la zona tra i 1500-4000 per vedere se, tagliando un po', si possa rendere più ariosa.
(tra l'altro, anche se credo che sia intenzionale e qui si va a gusti personali, dopo il break a 1.08 c'è l'attacco della cantante con schiocco della bocca e con respiro.)
Comunque non sono un esperto e le mie orecchie non sono chissà quanto affinate, ho solo provato a dire la mia.

BTW congrats! Pro-level performances and very cool solo!
First, your song slams! With the female vocalist, the tune, to me at least, is reminiscent of Heart. The guitar tone is smoking hot, what guitar/AFX patch was that if I might ask? Good idea with the 'verb to use it as an effect in the overall mix. The track has adequate bottom, not an overwhelming amount, but definitely an adequate amount of bass for this tune. I am not using professional level monitors on this computer and I can still hear plenty of bass, so don't go too crazy over the bass issue.

I hope that helps!
Right let's answer everything in order :p

@tubeing: thanks again man for listening with more equipment. I actually noticed a lack on the lowend only when I uploaded the song on my mobile phone and listened to it with headphones... so this pretty much confirms that my monitors are rich with bass so I'll have to work on the bass track somehow! Not really sure about the distance thing, my mixing style is really conservative, I use very low volumes then I bring everything up when it's all done in the mastering phase, not sure if this is related though.

@alcyppa: except from guitars everything else you hear it's VSTs - for the bass I used ZomBass 3, it's really midrangey and to be honest aside from using a couple of high pass filters to remove useless frequencies I didn't work that much on it but, as I said earlier, with the gear I'm using (a pair of KRK KNS 8400 headphones and some m-audio active monitors) the low end seemed fine :) I'll just have to work around this and probably add some more emphasis on the bass track, say around 50-80hz.
Vocals I'm not sure, they are boosted only in the airy part of the spectrum, the rest is completely flat and I have filtered out low end up to 140hz and also some stuff around 1khz. I'll try and see what happens if I scoop down the 1.5 - 4k as you suggested!
Thanks for your help man, and thanks for the nice words as well ;)

@EricP1954: thanks man! Really appreciated! On this song I'm using an Ibanez Prestige RGD2120Z with Dimarzio Liquifire/Crunch Lab pickups while about the patch I'm using FAS Modern and a personal mix of Ownhammer High gain Essentials IRS, hope this helps! I have also EQed the guitars a bit more in the DAW to let them stick out a bit more in the mix. No worries, I won't add insane amounts but I guess bass needs some tweaking, after all ;) Thanks again man!
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