Fryette LXII in the 4U rack with FX3 or put them both in separate racks?


New Member
Hi guys,... I'm building my new live rig rack, which will also be used a lot at home at very quiet volumes,... I have an FX3 and so far I used it with 2U Matrix gt1600fx and 2 Friedman 412 cabs,..... but now I got myself Fryette LXII to replace the Matrix. Since Fryette is getting quite hot at times, I'm not sure if it would be smarter to just keep it in the separate 3U rack and leave a space below and above it, and put FX3 in a separate 3U rack,... or get a 4U rack and keep them together. Would the heat hurt my brand new Fx3 Turbo? And if kept together in the same rack, would it be better to put fx3 above or under the power amp? This ism my first trip to rack equipment, so Im not sure,... Im used to amp heads and 412s.
You could go either way! Just depends on how many pieces or how heavy you want to make things. One rack would be convenient but I would probably be in the two separate racks camp.
A 4 space could get kind of dangerous with heat buildup! but if you racked the power amp on top of the Axe FX and had the back off it should be ok.

My early days of running a Standard with a tube power amp where the power amp was on the bottom. I had an issue with heat sinking and the unit shut down just before a gig. I had to unrack the unit and let it cool down and everything was fine. After that I changed locations and it never happened again.
Thanks guys,.... Yes, Im also leaning to 2 separate racks,.... Fryette is generating way 2 much heat to leave it leaning to my fx3. Also,.... since I wont be needing a poweramp every time,... cos I also plan to use fx3 just for effects in 4cm with my SLO100 , why carry both in the same rack,...I can leave lx2 at home.
I have them in a 5U rack. I left a space of 1 screwhole free at the top so that there's some space above the Axe and the LXII is on the bottom. This way there's still a sizable gap and decent airflow between the Axe and the LX and they're still in the same rack. Of course I keep the front and the back off the rack. I'm sure separate racks would also work well, especially if you're not planning to bring the LX along all the time since it's really heavy.
The Axe-FX III and the Fryette LXII were both designed to handle the rigors of road use. Yes, it will be slightly safer (and perhaps easier to transport) if you put them in separate racks, but there should be no issue running them both in a fully loaded rack case.
I have them in a 5U rack. I left a space of 1 screwhole free at the top so that there's some space above the Axe and the LXII is on the bottom. This way there's still a sizable gap and decent airflow between the Axe and the LX and they're still in the same rack. Of course I keep the front and the back off the rack. I'm sure separate racks would also work well, especially if you're not planning to bring the LX along all the time since it's really heavy.
Yes,... I won't need the LX2 all the time...
I have mine in two different racks, partially because I got two head/tolexed cases from Casesmith, so was already dealing with extra weight. But also, Casesmith was able to make the power amp rack with vents lining up with the LXII vents as I wanted as much airflow as possible.
I have mine in two different racks, partially because I got two head/tolexed cases from Casesmith, so was already dealing with extra weight. But also, Casesmith was able to make the power amp rack with vents lining up with the LXII vents as I wanted as much airflow as possible.
I was looking into Gator Retro Racks,... they are open from both sides, and look like guitar heads,... so probably similar to what you have,.... but the vents in the rack is also a great idea. Maybe I can find someone to custom make it for me.
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