
I would like to thank Fractal for version 9.02 ruining AE. I am now able to fly throught the front panel and do anything I ask fast and effective. Even adjust on the fly in live situations.

HOWEVER........... I did open AE for the first time in over 3 months and I REALLY miss it.....AE & AFX are like peanut butter and jelly, Oreo's and milk, Mac n Cheese, Corona & lime. Sure we don't need it, but it just taste bettter together....

poke poke poke.....

I hear you. The front panel's quick control makes it in ways faster and easier than AE, but those late night recordings would be alot easier with it.
same thoughts here
before 9.02 I was helpless with the front panel.
now I am very comfortable using it.
You know.. I've always liked the FP, what I don't like so much is the LCD. It's really hard to read from an angle off-axis. Hope the Axe-Fx III comes with a color Retina display. :)
Yeah, I liked the display in the mock-up if the AxeFX III... that was sweet... or yeah, better yet, incorporate the ability to plug in your iPad into the front plate, for easy access, editing, and viewing... then allow us to backup presets directly into the iPad... THAT would ROCK !!
Yeah, I liked the display in the mock-up if the AxeFX III... that was sweet... or yeah, better yet, incorporate the ability to plug in your iPad into the front plate, for easy access, editing, and viewing... then allow us to backup presets directly into the iPad... THAT would ROCK !!

Like the AXE III pic and just make it a touch screen.....Cliff could retire on a island with its own golf course....after that release....It might come out before AE...

lord i apologize...............
I've only been an Axe user for 3 months, so the front panel is all I've ever known. It is very functional and I'm glad I know how to use it well in case I ever need to tweak at a gig. The main reason I'm looking forward to AE is to have an easy way to manage a large preset library on the computer and to try out downloaded presets.
Yeah, I liked the display in the mock-up if the AxeFX III... that was sweet... or yeah, better yet, incorporate the ability to plug in your iPad into the front plate, for easy access, editing, and viewing... then allow us to backup presets directly into the iPad... THAT would ROCK !!

Why plug it in? Just control it via wifi or bluetooth.
at least you guys have gotten to see what the old axe edit looks like..I cannot even find it to I don't even have a clue, and apparently I am too dumb to learn the front panel! hahahaha
I can certainly navigate and edit the front panel. I just would prefer not to have to.

I was just talking to my brother about this the other day. Other than loading presets and file transfers I don't really miss AE that much anymore. I imagine when it comes back out I'll only use it half of the time I use to.
I like Axe-Edit so much, I keep rolling back between v7 and v9 in a quandary! The ease of control, nice graphic display versus the nice juicy modelling in v9. I can use the front panel no probs, just prefer Axe-Edit, that's all.
I have to agree. I used to be terrible using the front panel and was always worried about my skills on being able to do it live. The incompatability forced me to learn to use the front panel. I actually prefer that now as I'm not tweaking every little thing. I find a sound and just play now.

I would like to thank Fractal for version 9.02 ruining AE. I am now able to fly throught the front panel and do anything I ask fast and effective. Even adjust on the fly in live situations.

HOWEVER........... I did open AE for the first time in over 3 months and I REALLY miss it.....AE & AFX are like peanut butter and jelly, Oreo's and milk, Mac n Cheese, Corona & lime. Sure we don't need it, but it just taste bettter together....

poke poke poke.....

I still have a 2101. Complete with hacked firmware and piggy backed PPC card. I've used that thing since the mid 90's and am working on replacing it with the Axe II I got just under a week ago. Front panels don't scare me at all, and there is actually an algorithm editor for 2101. So tweaking on the FP with the Axe is second nature, but having it at the bottom of a rack makes it difficult to program. I'm really looking forward to the new AXE-EDIT release. The editor is extremely important for me not only from an algorithm editing standpoint, but also for organizing presets for different shows - and backing up... I was surprised and unaware that there was no working editor with the firmware version of mine, but It looks like the wait will be over "very soon"....come quickly AE2/FW10
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