From FCB 1010 to MFC 101


I've been using an FCB 1010 for a couple years with my Axe FX and I just got the MFC. I had found a way to use the Axe Edit + the FCB + the AXE at the same time without switching cables ... So I was expecting to do the same with the MFC; I dont know much about midi besides in out and through ... but I realized that with no midi through on the MFC i was screwed ! I see posts on the forum, requiring a midi merger where you have to change the wiring inside .. is there a simpler way to achieve this ? I have a motu Express where it's not possible to reroute logically the inputs and the outputs. Are there midi interfaces that can do the merge ? is there a midi merger that can be used as is ? Sorry, the answers may be in the Wki but i does not work !
Thanks for your help !
It's an Express 128, and it's not routable - or if it is I did not find out how to do it. I think the documentation said that there was a software available to do that, but on the more upscale models.
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