Friedman 2010 model with Friedman suggested settings is my new go to…


Friedman 2010 model with suggested settings is my new go to…

Except I have gain at 5…. Input boost 4.5 boss pedal. Sometimes I use the fas boost
Bass cut 200
Speaker imped…either 800 or the Friedman…I go back n forth…

I also do the same with the smallbox use the factory settings… and then do a Low Gain at 4 also

I also hav ethe buxom boost at 3,5 gain and level at 8… for a little more…

Was wondering if any one else tried the “amp” suggested settings
I've been using the Friedman BE100 V1 for a long time now, and just tried these settings. I like it! At first, I thought Bass on 10 might be a not much but it evens out as volumes go up. Also, keeps the signal punchier when I bring in external drives, just for fun.
Friedman 2010 model with suggested settings is my new go to…
Just a side-note: I'm very surprised to see Friedmans on so many Gift of Tone presets, from Guthrie Govan to the new Aaron preset. Makes me think there is something very special about this model for big ass rock soloing, even if I don't necessarily "like it" like some other amps. Thanks for the reminder, going to create a couple of presets and play with it a little to get a taste.
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Friedman 2010 model with suggested settings is my new go to…
Just to clarify - what would be the recommended settings?
I probably missed something, I see only "start with" which are more or less default Fractal settings at 5... Can you please help? :)
I've been using the Friedman BE100 V1 for a long time now, and just tried these settings. I like it! At first, I thought Bass on 10 might be a not much but it evens out as volumes go up. Also, keeps the signal punchier when I bring in external drives, just for fun.
The buxom boost works great with it….
Just to clarify - what would be the recommended settings?
I probably missed something, I see only "start with" which are more or less default Fractal settings at 5... Can you please help? :)
Just to clarify - what would be the recommended settings?
I probably missed something, I see only "start with" which are more or less default Fractal settings at 5... Can you please help? :)
I was just looking at the Friedman manual…and notice suggested settings are on all the amps…smallbox works great also…
I was started to mess with the SS100 Steve Stevens amp…and was going to run through all the HBEs and see what might come close to the SS
I think I found it:
We recommend starting the amp on the BEchannel with the Bass on 10, the Mids ataround 5, the Treble at 5 and the Presence at5. Set the Gain around 8 and then bring themaster up to taste. After plugging in, you willnotice instantly, the tight bottom end and richharmonically detailed chords and single notes,that’s the Friedman sound. This amp cleansup remarkably well with the guitar’s volumecontrol even with the amp on higher gainsettings. For even more gain switch to HBEmode. Switch to the Clean channel and setthe Treble and Bass at 5 and turn the Volumeup to taste and experiment with the BrightSwitch.
Thanks :)
For Channel 2 we recommend starting with the Bass on 8, the mids at around 6 or 7 and the treble at 5. Set the gain around 8 and then bring the master to taste.

For SS100
We recommend starting the amp with the Bass on 7-8, the mids at around 6 or 7 and the treble at 5. Set the gain around 8 and then bring the master to taste.
Bass on 10 from a guy who based all of his amps on Marshalls. WTF??!

I sometimes wonder if Dave really does love Marshalls as much as he has
confessed and stated that he does. 🤣
Bass on 10 from a guy who based all of his amps on Marshalls. WTF??!

I sometimes wonder if Dave really does love Marshalls as much as he has
confessed and stated that he does. 🤣
I actually…do a higher low cut on the like 150/200
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