FRFR recommendations - Trying to get guitar feedback


I am sorry if I am bringing up a topic that has been beaten to death, but I have had my AX8 for over a year (I have also owned the AXE FX II for two years and the Helix for about 8 months before getting the AX8) and gig about 40 gigs with it. Loving the sounds, but there is one thing that I miss about tube amps. I miss that thing where you hit an A chord and hold it and the amp slowly starts feeding back. That awesome thing you get when the amp and the strings feed off each other. This was crucial to many of our starts and endings of songs. With the AX8, I run direct to FOH, use IEM, so when I hit that mighty A chord, it holds for a few seconds, gets weaker and weaker before the noise gate kicks in and kills it. Sometimes I can make it work with enough delay, but it just feels like I have to use way more gain that I want to or saturate it with effects, and even that only works half the time. I use plexi amp models so I am sure this is not a problem with a Rectifier or Friedman BE model.

To remedy this I was hoping for an FRFR cabinet to have next to my pedalboard for this purpose. I own a pair of 12" powered speakers, I have tried this with them. While they are nice and loud, They still don't do the amp feedback thing at all. There is no air being pushed by these speakers.

Can you get this by using the AX8 with a Line 6 Powercab, Friedman ASM12 or possibly a Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170 to plug into a real guitar cabinet??
I can get feedback with an AX8 and my Atomic CLR. The CLR is pole mounted and I just have to put the guitar close to it. You do have to get closer than back when I used a tube amp.
I had this same issue when I just used IEMs and the PA. To resolve this, I purchased an Alto TS212 for stage volume. I have found when I place the Alto in front of me like a wedge, I get the most interaction between my guitar and my “amp”. It does not need to be turned up very loud to be successful.

I usually place my Alto behind me in our backline now because it gives our singer, who doesn’t use IEMs, a better feeling for my guitar. I still get good interaction between the guitar and the “amp”.

I bought the Alto because I didn’t want to spend a bunch of cash and I wasn’t too concerned with how it sounded. But I am very happy with how the Alto sounds and I have used it without PA support several times.
To induce feedback you need a speaker producing sound from the guitar and same guitar in close proximity with the speaker.
The sound from the speaker is picked up by the guitar and a loop is generated. You won't get it with IEM and an FRFR will produce feedback easily if you have enough volume/gain while close to the speaker. I do it all the time with an AX8 and CLR
The main problem is having to bend over or kneel to get close enough if you have a floor monitor:angry:
Unless you're used to playing with a full stack, I'd expect the floor monitor aiming up at your guitar is typically closer proximity than your previous backline cabinet...
I can get feedback off the pair of KRK Rokit8 monitors at relatively benign volumes. An FRFR wedge ought to get you there.
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