FRFR Monitor choices.

The monitor that requires the least amount of tweaking of your preset is the right one.

Ex: start with a Marshall preset at default settings (800 #34, Fractal V30 cab w/ lo cut at 80 Hz, T808 OD in front w/ low gain and high level), and use that preset as a controlled/fixed variable. With all monitors' volume dialed in at 2 o'clock, you'll see which one is "Just right."

I personally am more than satisfied with a Xitone wedge w/ a built-in Matrix power amp (GM50).
Another vote for XiTone. I have a Friedman and 2 CLR's as well. Friedman stays at practice, CLR's stay at home but I gig with my XiTone's. Two powered 1x12's in stereo. I run them like backline one behind me the other beside my bass players rig. Sounds amazing.
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