Wish FREQOUT pedal

I just tried the Helix’s new “Feedback” effect, and it’s really awesome! Lots of parameters to adjust, and it’s done really well and pretty realistic for low volume playing.

Hopefully fractal will come out with something similar in the future!
When I saw that Helix had that, I watched the videos and saw it’s just like the digitech pedal and thought, man, this would be awesome to have haha
Not to be ungrateful though; Fractal work so hard and do such an amazing and gracious job, and I thank the Lord for that! I do echo what you said though, and it would be amazing to have this flexibility though. :)
When I saw that Helix had that, I watched the videos and saw it’s just like the digitech pedal and thought, man, this would be awesome to have haha
Not to be ungrateful though; Fractal work so hard and do such an amazing and gracious job, and I thank the Lord for that! I do echo what you said though, and it would be amazing to have this flexibility though. :)
I have purchased a Helix HX One just for the Feedback Effect. First I had a hard time to find settings that I really like and I think that the Freqout sounds a tiny little bit better, but if you can find the right settings on the HX One the difference is very small. Anyway my favorite HX Feedback settings is "High to low".
I am positive that Fractal will be able to come up with a feedback solution for us that is better than both the freqout and the HX pedals if/when they choose to. I'd love to get this pedal off my board!
I’d love to have a dedicated algorithm/block to choose the same kinds of things as the freqout/helix, and assign it to a momentary control switch to use at will :)
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After how many years is FAS allowed to copy a pedal or amp into software so that there are no problems with patent law?
I'm no expert, but following the industry for a long time, in particular the modelling aspects, I get the sense that when you develop / program your own path to the end result sound and call it a different name, there is no issue. Can a sound / tone be patented? - doesn't seem so to me, but maybe some legal minds here can shed light.
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