Freebie Fractal T Shirts!!!

Nope! I see no reason to exclude our brothers across the globe. I will cover the shipping. Bring it!
Oh! That so nice! : )

In this case, this is my first submission: Ebow, acoustic guitar and crystals recorded with Axe-Fx Ultra:

Rules rules rules.... Soooo many rules! Just joking, and thank you for doing this contest. Speaking of rules, is it required to post the patch?!?! ;)
Here's my Clean & High Gain demo... Just some rough recordings. No more tweaking or mixing since I'm away from my main PC as I'm going to Tokyo =D. Sorry for any audio clipping as well.

1. Shiva Clean with delay & verb

2. Recto New + Das Metal
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Thanks for the kind words mgavin.

Keep em coming! Should we extend to Aug 31? I'll llet the guys who have already submitted have the big say there.

I'm hoping we get a lot more entries to make the polling/judging more fun. I see a lot of clips getting posted in other threads. Post them here too as you have nothing to lose!

Spread the word.

31st it is. It will give some more guys just receiving thier Axe's a little more time.

LAST DAY TO ENTER -----> Aug 31st
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