Fredrik Thordendal - Sol Niger Within Sample


Hello all!

I've had my Ultra for a few weeks and so far I'm -loving- it.

I've been shooting for a "djenty" Sol Niger Within sound (ala "the man" Fredrik Thordendal) for the last week and I've finally gotten a chance to make a half-way decent recording to share my progress. The guitars and bass tracks have -NO- EQ or compression on them. Everything is straight from the Axe-FX. The drums are Superior Drummer 2.2.1 using Fred's "Bleed" preset mix. There is just a little bitboost over the master track to bring the overall loudness up a little bit.

Also, the bass guitar is really my same 7 string guitar (Ibanez Prestige RG1527) pitched an octave down running through a bass patch I created over the weekend (Ampeg SVT - 8x10 Cab). It turned out really fat and convincing! I was very surprised there.

I'm very happy with this so far! Thanks Cliff for creating such an amazing box. I look forward to tweaking even more until I get the sound just where I want it.


Updated 4-19:
Moved Cliff's Envelope Filter to the first in the chain. Brought down some brightness and a few minor mid-scoops.
Sounds extremely close actually, I'm really impressed. Would you mind sharing the patch? I have the exact same guitar you do and would love to see how it would sound on my end.
efx said:
Sounds extremely close actually, I'm really impressed. Would you mind sharing the patch? I have the exact same guitar you do and would love to see how it would sound on my end.

+1 :mrgreen:
Fuck that's close.

What's your 7 string tuned to?
Does the guitar patch use any down pitch shifting like you did with the bass?

And can you post the patch? :)
soularflair said:
Fuck that's close.

What's your 7 string tuned to?
Does the guitar patch use any down pitch shifting like you did with the bass?

And can you post the patch? :)

I'm tuned down a half step with my 7 string no pitch shifting.
I'll try to share my patch sometime this week. I do use some global eq though. I'll post that when necessary.
LOL. Nice observation!

Ringleader said:

I especially like the part at 2:04-2:06 where you catch a glimpse of the alien that is living within him regaining control of his body.
New version. Making some good progress!

I spent a couple hours with the guitar sound tonight and I also mixed the drums a little better in the Superior Drummer plug-in. I think the overall sound now is a huge improvement. The guitars are a little darker and a little fatter. Having the drums balanced helps everything sit better in the mix too. Still absolutely -zero- EQ or anything going on the bass and guitar tracks at this point.

I moved Cliff's Filter Envelope in front of the drive pedal and put a little more bass back in the post-cab EQ. I also rolled off a bit more of the high-end with the LPF at the end of the chain. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to posting a patch yet! I'm having too much fun tweaking and now I have to head off to bed. :S
S-O said:
Where can I find this bleed preset!

This all sounds great!

Thanks man!

I'm using Toontrack's Superior Drummer 2.2.1 with the Metal Foundry add-on pack. The add-on includes a bunch of mixed presets including some from Daniel Bergstrand, Mr. Jocke Skog (Clawfinger on these boards), Devin Townsend and Fredrik Thordendal. I'm using Fredrik's Bleed preset but mixing it a little differently. Superior Drummer is really an amazing sample set. It's what I've been dreaming of for like 15 years since I used my first Alesis SR-16 drum machine.
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