Fractal axe II on ebay

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I'm fine, I would have let the auction run it's course if there wasn't threats of people screwing it up. After all the seller is on the losing end 99.9 percent of the time.

I tried to stand up for you dude. I know how it is. Someone just recently scammed me out of $250. eBay is a freaking stress and an unfortunate monopoly. I hate that place but you gotta use it.
Hey Dave,
Out of curiosity, when did you buy it and what was your serial number? I'd like to compare it to mine that I bought last friday.
Hope you have better luck selling it outside of ebay anyway!
This place seriously feels like I'm in high school in a rich, spoiled neighborhood with kids driving their BMWs and want it NOW!

I could agree more and thanks for trying to be the voice of common sense. Now what the hell is Iggypop talking about? "Script" Is he trying to be a douche like me?
Hey Dave,
Out of curiosity, when did you buy it and what was your serial number? I'd like to compare it to mine that I bought last friday.
Hope you have better luck selling it outside of ebay anyway!

#12. Purchased last Tuesday.
This place seriously feels like I'm in high school in a rich, spoiled neighborhood with kids driving their BMWs and want it NOW!

More like wanna be rich kids. A real rich kid would call Cliff and make him an offer he couldn't refuse. I wouldn't turn it down if I were Cliff. Would you?
A douche is anyone that can do something you can't. A slut is anyone who has more sex than you do.
Now what the hell is Iggypop talking about? "Script" Is he trying to be a douche like me?
I'm asking politely for your script - so that I can be such a *lucky* "douche like you", and have my Axe II. You must be a real lucky douche, scoring that many units lately to sell on ebay. Or you have a special douchemanscript instead.
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I'm asking politely for your script - so that I can be such a *lucky* "douche like you", and have my Axe II. You must be a real lucky douche, scoring that many units lately to sell on ebay. Or then you have a special douchemanscript.

Sorry, I didn't use a script so I didn't know what you were talking about. I just a lucky douche to be in the right douche place at the right douche time.
Okay, enough with the name calling.

Anyone that knows what they're doing knows a script is less work but not as fast as clicking on it manually along with something else.

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Was it within your right? Absolutely. Does it still make you any less of a douche? Not really.

Thanks for implementing the 1 per customer limit until the waiting list is over Cliff.

Wow! So let me get this straight. You are calling a guy you do not know a douche because he chose to sell a item he just purchased for a possible profit due to the demand created by well... all of us? As you said he has every right. I will assume here, and excuse me if I am wrong DaveP, but it appears the guy does this as part of his income. He buys annd resales gear. There isnt anything more American than an individual earning his living through captialist ventures. And for someone in his business, what could be better than all of us creating the demand that would improve his profit. His getting one early, be it through the store, some favor from Fractal, or divine intervention makes no difference at all. He obtained it and in selling he improves his business and also provided a service to the person that could afford the elevated price.

What a sad place our country is becoming. I cheer DaveP's initiative.

And I dont yet have a II either for what it's worth...
Sorry, I didn't use a script so I didn't know what you were talking about. I just a lucky douche to be in the right douche place at the right douche time.

Now you see, how I was being sarcastic? Trying to bring some humour into this thread. Usually written language in forums is misleading... Peace.
Now you see, how I was being sarcastic? Trying to bring some humour into this thread. Usually written language in forums is misleading... Peace.

No problem, I didn't mean anything by asking just wasn't sure what you meant. My response was also suppose to be sarcastic.
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