Found a tone the AxeFX can't quite nail...

Brootalz with gain and input trim up all the way, master vol on like 2, with a Metal Zone drive block in front with gain maxxed! I'll bet it would be tonal bliss. A match made in hades.
Secret settings for that rig is.... wait for it.... mids at lowest level. I think I can tone match that shiznit!
COMP > GEQ > PEQ > FILTER > DRIVE1 > DRIVE2 > AMP1 (pre) > AMP2.

Set level of all blocks to +10. Set Drive1 and Drive2 to max gain. Tweak eq of these blocks as desired. Turn off sag on AMP1 (use FAS Brootalz). Use Brootalz again for AMP2. For variety, try Dizzy4, Angle Severe, or Uber. YMMV.
Whoever did this clearly had some good skills at photoshop.

But I wonder if he wanted it to look real or not...
You know, aside from picking up radio stations from other planets and the need for a military grade nuclear powered noise gate... I can think of at least one tune you can probably accurately cover with that rig ...

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