For the love of pedals: What do you use with your Axe (Show us your pedals)

I keep a Freqout inside the back of the rack, set and forget, activate loop 4 when I want the feedback effect, only “must have” for me; but I do enjoy messing around with various fuzz boxes, which often do some unique sounds, breakup, bloom, decay etc

find the Axe does most typical OD pedals really well, likewise, modulation and delay, does most any pedal with a little tweaking.
This is my "Analog" board ... the blank space is to swap pedals in and out. I use it for guests, and for inspiration when I just want to twist knobs and see what comes out while recording. The blank space is to swap pedals in and out.

And yes .... I run it into my AXE III ... because I'm effing crazy.

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