Not a Bug Footswitch Timing Help - Activate Immediately When Depressing


When I switch between presets, my transitions are varying because my footswitches seem to activate when I lift my foot off, not when I depress the switch. I'm getting some pretty decent transitions by tapping the switch very quickly. Obviously that's not optimal. I'm using Per Preset, with all of the Holds unassigned in FC Edit and FC Per Preset (which I thought would fix this). Anybody have any ideas as to what I'm missing? I got excited when I searched the forum and found that there's a switch polarity, thinking that I could program my switches to activate on depression, but that's for external switches.
Does reducing the 'Hold Function Timeout' value under 'FC Edit: Config' from the default (0.50 seconds) also reduce the lag when tapping? If so, you might be able to find a compromise where the lag is more acceptable, but you can still leverage the Hold function.
Does reducing the 'Hold Function Timeout' value under 'FC Edit: Config' from the default (0.50 seconds) also reduce the lag when tapping?

Make sure you have 'Hold Function Mode' set to "Automatic"
Hold Function Timeout does not affect the tap in any case.
The information about Hold Function Mode above is also incorrect. "Hold Function Mode" determines whether a Hold function fires after a brief timeout or waits for you to release the footswitch. (The two options are "Timeout" and "Switch Up")

@Darrin66 please email support and we'll get you sorted out. My guess is that you DO have a hold function assigned -- even if it's to an "empty" per-preset setting.
Hold Function Timeout does not affect the tap in any case.
The information about Hold Function Mode above is also incorrect. "Hold Function Mode" determines whether a Hold function fires after a brief timeout or waits for you to release the footswitch. (The two options are "Timeout" and "Switch Up")

@Darrin66 please email support and we'll get you sorted out. My guess is that you DO have a hold function assigned -- even if it's to an "empty" per-preset setting.
Thanks @Admin M@, appreciate it!
Hold Function Timeout does not affect the tap in any case.
The information about Hold Function Mode above is also incorrect. "Hold Function Mode" determines whether a Hold function fires after a brief timeout or waits for you to release the footswitch. (The two options are "Timeout" and "Switch Up")

@Darrin66 please email support and we'll get you sorted out. My guess is that you DO have a hold function assigned -- even if it's to an "empty" per-preset setting.

Thanks for the response on whether or not 'Hold Function Timeout' affects the tap lag. Wasn't sure, that's why I was asking.

The two options for 'Hold Function Mode', at least in my version of the FM9 editor (1.02.12) are 'Automatic' (not 'Timeout') and 'Switch Up'. I do appreciate the clarification though that this parameter does not affect the tap, only the hold. Good to know. Don't have any desire to add confusion to the issue.
@Darrin66 please email support and we'll get you sorted out. My guess is that you DO have a hold function assigned -- even if it's to an "empty" per-preset setting.

The Per Preset Switch seems to trigger the "onButtonUp" thing with the tap function, even if the Per Preset settings don't have a switch assigned to it. Per Preset Overrides do not exhibit this behavior, and the tap fires immediately if the Override has no Hold function.

I set my master setting to do the Hold Functions "onButtonUpAfterDelay" action - so I lean on the switch and it goes through the time required for the unit to recognize I want the Hold Function, then fires when I lift my foot.

TBH, I don't use Hold Functions very frequently, as I have enough buttons not to need them ;). Things where timing is mostly irrelevant, like Utility Functions (except Tap Tempo), Bank/Program increment/decrement, View increment/decrement, and such.
Thanks @Admin M@, appreciate it!
Went through a few configuration options for this scenario and I could not reproduce what you are experiencing. I probably did not hit on the exact configuration parameters causing the tap not to fire appropriately. I understand you have a ticket open with our support team and that they asked you to send a System backup and at least one preset. We'll work together in that channel to help you.
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The Per Preset Switch seems to trigger the "onButtonUp" thing with the tap function, even if the Per Preset settings don't have a switch assigned to it. Per Preset Overrides do not exhibit this behavior, and the tap fires immediately if the Override has no Hold function.

I set my master setting to do the Hold Functions "onButtonUpAfterDelay" action - so I lean on the switch and it goes through the time required for the unit to recognize I want the Hold Function, then fires when I lift my foot.

TBH, I don't use Hold Functions very frequently, as I have enough buttons not to need them ;). Things where timing is mostly irrelevant, like Utility Functions (except Tap Tempo), Bank/Program increment/decrement, View increment/decrement, and such.
Is there a Hold function assigned to the switch the per-preset switch is overriding?
I took a look at the files that @Darrin66 sent. I was unable to reproduce the reported problem. The presets are changing on switch down. I think this is a case of performance and perception: at the CPU levels where these presets are dwelling, it takes just long enough for a new preset to load that it FEELS like it is happening on switch up.
I took a look at the files that @Darrin66 sent. I was unable to reproduce the reported problem. The presets are changing on switch down. I think this is a case of performance and perception: at the CPU levels where these presets are dwelling, it takes just long enough for a new preset to load that it FEELS like it is happening on switch up.
I think you're probably right
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