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foot controller blocks after several seconds


Hi forum members,

I purchased a MFC-101 4 months ago, to use with my Ultra.
The MFC is powered via its own adapter.

The first 2 months everything was working perfectly. But now:
- as I turn the MFC-101 on, after a few seconds I see the patchname on the display dissapear or become very vague (lack of contrast).
- In the meantime the changing to another preset or turning an effect on/off does not work ... or kicks in about a minute later.

Turning the MFC off and on solves the issue, but usually no longer than a few moments.

As it worked great in the beginning and I haven't changed anything setup wise, I presumed it was maybe something electrical (lack of voltage?).
However testing it in different locations gave the same results. Even when not connected to the AxeFx the display letters turned vague again and changing presets stopped working after a few moments.

As I'm in Belgium, I'll try picking your minds first before sending it back for a checkup :)

Any help or info is much appreciated!

Check with Fractal Support (or G66 since you are based in Europe) - they might ask you to open up the box and make sure all the cables are correctly seated. If that doesn't work then it might be time for the return and checkup you mention.
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