FNG checking in


Hey, all...and Happy New Year.

Full-time pediatric ER nurse, former lead vocalist and hobby guitarist here to learn all about my new toy (arriving 1/10/2023 according to Fractal). After years and years of faithful service, my 1980's Digitech GSP 2101 Studio Tube is starting to slowly die (intermitten volume drops, patches automatically switching from one to another). Factory support for this unit went away a LONG time ago, and I imagine it would cost more than its worth to repair, So I decided to get the AFX3.

Initially it will be used in the exact manner as the unit it's replacing...just jamming out in my man-cave. I will be running it with a power amp (yet to be selected) through a 2x12 cab (also yet to be selected, but leaning towards the EVH 5150III Stealth 60w). Im replacing everything, all the previous rack gear is being given away on Craigslist...perhaps someone with knowledge in electronics can bring it back to life.


I would eventually like to try my hand at recording with the Axe FX. I have ZERO experience with studio gear, and limited experience with electronics on general, so I'm sure I'll have a lot of really stupid questions with the hope that the experts here will be willing to walk me through this process.

Looking forward to learning much here.
Just keep that Sonic Maximizer away from the Axe and you'll be just fine...! I too have a broken 2101 in my rack because I was so fond of it. Power amp to a guitar cab is a great way to do it but think about stereo applications too...this forum is an amazing resource and there are several other great resources out there depending on your needs and interests.
Hey, all...and Happy New Year.

Full-time pediatric ER nurse, former lead vocalist and hobby guitarist here to learn all about my new toy (arriving 1/10/2023 according to Fractal). After years and years of faithful service, my 1980's Digitech GSP 2101 Studio Tube is starting to slowly die (intermitten volume drops, patches automatically switching from one to another). Factory support for this unit went away a LONG time ago, and I imagine it would cost more than its worth to repair, So I decided to get the AFX3.

Initially it will be used in the exact manner as the unit it's replacing...just jamming out in my man-cave. I will be running it with a power amp (yet to be selected) through a 2x12 cab (also yet to be selected, but leaning towards the EVH 5150III Stealth 60w). Im replacing everything, all the previous rack gear is being given away on Craigslist...perhaps someone with knowledge in electronics can bring it back to life.


I would eventually like to try my hand at recording with the Axe FX. I have ZERO experience with studio gear, and limited experience with electronics on general, so I'm sure I'll have a lot of really stupid questions with the hope that the experts here will be willing to walk me through this process.

Looking forward to learning much here.

You may also want to look into getting an iPhone, fuel injected car and an internet modem.

The last time I even thought about a GSP2101 I was probably rolling joints in my room at my dads house.

Welcome to the Fractal family! Do yourself a favor and download and read the manual. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
I had the GSP 2101 Artist model with the PP expansion card and Control One foot controller. Gig'd and recorded with it for nearly 20 years. Great processors in their day and they were ahead of their time. Started the Fractal journey with the II XL in 2014 and haven't looked back. You're in for a treat with AFX 3. Spend some time reading the manual, the wiki and the forum. All great resources.
Hey, all...and Happy New Year.

Full-time pediatric ER nurse, former lead vocalist and hobby guitarist here to learn all about my new toy (arriving 1/10/2023 according to Fractal). After years and years of faithful service, my 1980's Digitech GSP 2101 Studio Tube is starting to slowly die (intermitten volume drops, patches automatically switching from one to another). Factory support for this unit went away a LONG time ago, and I imagine it would cost more than its worth to repair, So I decided to get the AFX3.

Initially it will be used in the exact manner as the unit it's replacing...just jamming out in my man-cave. I will be running it with a power amp (yet to be selected) through a 2x12 cab (also yet to be selected, but leaning towards the EVH 5150III Stealth 60w). Im replacing everything, all the previous rack gear is being given away on Craigslist...perhaps someone with knowledge in electronics can bring it back to life.


I would eventually like to try my hand at recording with the Axe FX. I have ZERO experience with studio gear, and limited experience with electronics on general, so I'm sure I'll have a lot of really stupid questions with the hope that the experts here will be willing to walk me through this process.

Looking forward to learning much here.

Congrats on the purchase, you will have NO regrets!!

Juat suggesting you may want to consider going with a set of FRFR speakers instead of the amp and guitar cab route. Nothing wrong with amp/cab at all, however, the FRFR speakers provide both the amplification and the Full Range Flat Response so you can accurately emulate 1000's of cabs and cab configs right out of the gate using IR (Impulse Response files). FRFR provides a true blank canvas to allow emulation to really shine and recreate the cab accurately.

There are many price points, configurations and makers, as well as debatable pros and cons to FRFR vs amp/cab. Most folks have a personal preference at some point, but do look into it and see what's right for you before a commitment.

Either way, no matter what path you choose, you're gonna love it, congrats again on AF3!
Gonna have to disagree a single 12” FRFR won’t fully be able reproduce an accurate sound of a full guitar cabinet, especially the common 4x12 . It’s still just a mic’d cabinet sound fundamentally going through a single speaker

A true flat response speaker doesn’t exist as far as I know so it’ll still color your tone so it’s not a true blank canvas, add to that your room reflections to color your perceived tone

Want guitar cabinet in a room sound then get a power amp and guitar cabinet

though saying all that, if it sounds good then it is good at the end of the day
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I loved my GSP-2101. I added another chip to make it a 'dual' S-disk. I still have it, and it worked fine last time I tried it 10 years ago. It's sitting in it's Grundorf rack case right now.
Gonna have to disagree a single 12” FRFR won’t fully be able reproduce an accurate sound of a full guitar cabinet, especially the common 4x12 . It’s still just a mic’d cabinet sound fundamentally going through a single speaker

A true flat response speaker doesn’t exist as far as I know so it’ll still color your tone so it’s not a true blank canvas, add to that your room reflections to color your perceived tone

Want guitar cabinet in a room sound then get a power amp and guitar cabinet

though saying all that, if it sounds good then it is good at the end of the day


Last I checked, "a set of FRFR speakers" isn't defined as "a single 12"", nor does "speakers" in any English vernacular mean "a single speaker". Fucks sake man, he even SAID he's going to pick up a 2x12 but you're on about a 4x12??

Yeah, yeah, yeah, FRFR "can never truly be flat response". Except the context was to compare and contrast frfr against amp/cab. Once again, you missed the boat on that and just ranted on about nothing pertinent.

Nobody uses FRFR. We got it. Cool story, bro. Feel better?
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Hey, all...and Happy New Year.

Full-time pediatric ER nurse, former lead vocalist and hobby guitarist here to learn all about my new toy (arriving 1/10/2023 according to Fractal). After years and years of faithful service, my 1980's Digitech GSP 2101 Studio Tube is starting to slowly die (intermitten volume drops, patches automatically switching from one to another). Factory support for this unit went away a LONG time ago, and I imagine it would cost more than its worth to repair, So I decided to get the AFX3.

Initially it will be used in the exact manner as the unit it's replacing...just jamming out in my man-cave. I will be running it with a power amp (yet to be selected) through a 2x12 cab (also yet to be selected, but leaning towards the EVH 5150III Stealth 60w). Im replacing everything, all the previous rack gear is being given away on Craigslist...perhaps someone with knowledge in electronics can bring it back to life.


I would eventually like to try my hand at recording with the Axe FX. I have ZERO experience with studio gear, and limited experience with electronics on general, so I'm sure I'll have a lot of really stupid questions with the hope that the experts here will be willing to walk me through this process.

Looking forward to learning much here.
Fractal was made for you! You well love and never will never mention Digitech again, except in passing to say how much better the AX3 is than it.
When I got my FM3 all I had was a Carvin TS-100 and two 2X12 cabs (EVH and a Carvin). It was OK, but I splurged on a Mission Engineering Gemini II (stereo) and got to use the internal cabs. When I got the AxeFX Mark II Turbo I added some Kali LP-8's for Output 2. I can promise you that both together or separately they fill my 20X20 studio/office. "Amp in the room" is what I had with Marshall DSL, Deluxe Reverb and other various combo's...now I can see the carpet on the floor and it doesn't look like Sweetwater threw up in the house!
Kidfixer...you're next thing should be FC-12 and at least two EV-1's or EV-2's! You'll not regret that purchase either. I've got two FC-6's because I had an FC-6 with the FM3 before I sold it.
Welcome! As has been mentioned, make sure you read the manual. There have been a few over the years, that have seemed to have a cerebral embolism using their new black box. If you have a problem, ask the forum, before you lose cognition, as it’s more difficult to assist when the grey matter has squirted out everywhere. 😉

You can go crazy deep if you wish, with the AxFXIII, but you can also get great tones with little more than drag and drop. You will have a blast!

Best of luck and great choice on units.
Great advice, thanks guys.

So a little more about me...

Im NOT an audiophile. My hearing is fucking toast from years of being in a rock band (rehearsing with no ear-pro) and riding Harleys with straight pipes. Not to mention my other hobby is guns (although I double-up on ear-pro now). With all that said, I dont think my ears can appreciate subtle differences in tone reproduction.

Im also NOT an acomplished guitarist (self taught, play by ear, no kniwledge in theory). I dont perform or play live...dont feel Im good enough (yet). My use for this unit will be just noodling in my apartment. But I think that this new toy will motivate me to pick up my guitar more.
Trust me, you'll be able to tell. It's not all about how it sounds, it's about how it feels. And the AxeFX absolutely nails the feel. You'll play more than ever, I imagine 🤘
<snip> I splurged on a Mission Engineering Gemini II (stereo) and got to use the internal cabs. </snip>

This has piqued my interest. Granted, the Gemini would be more than twice the cost of the amp/cab combo I had decided on...but I'm a firm believer in buy-once-cry-once. If it's THAT much better than a passive 2x12, then Im willing to part with the cash.
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