Bug? FM9T Internal Routing Startup Noise/Feedback


In an effort to resolve this persistent problem I have commented extensively on the threads below. The issue has led to a less than optimal user experience and on some occasions the volume level of the distorted signal has been so loud that I have been concerned it could have damaged my monitor speakers. I have had to resort to starting the device with the volume knobs at minimum as a result, and even plugging in headphones (off my ears) just to be sure. I feel there is enough evidence collated from different users to conclude that this is a Bug, and not some kind of mis-configuration. Here is what I believe are reasonable statements given the available evidence:

1) The issue occurs at startup. It does not appear suddenly "out of the blue", if the device initialised correctly. It can usually be resolved by restarting the device.
2) It is NOT related to USB (although at one time I thought there was a possibility it might be), since it has occurred for some users when they weren't connected via USB.
3) It is NOT related to specific Presets (evidence in the threads linked below).
4) The noise/distorted signal from the device does not seem to be related to the Output Blocks on the Grid, since the distorted signal has been produced by physical Output(s) on the unit which weren't on the Grid in the Preset that was loaded at the time.
5) The issue has been around since at least FW5, and is still present in FW6. In my specific case however it didn't manifest until FW6.

Some (not so idle) speculation:

1) This is a hardware initialisation bug.
2) This is an internal routing bug.
3) This is a Firmware bug.
4) Due to the fact that Gapless switching "buffers" the audio signal (we have no insight into the way Gapless works obv. so this is purely anecdotal), when the issue occurs the noisy signal is "cycled" in some way, but there is no direct evidence that Gapless is the cause, more of an exacerbating factor.

Please see the following threads for more information:



What hardware do you have? Standard, Turbo, MkII?

Would be helpful to collate the info from each user here.

Have you experienced it on FW7 beta?

What about an experiment:

Set your boot preset to an empty one.

See if you encounter it when set up that way.

Tagging @m_brown for visibility.
What hardware do you have? Standard, Turbo, MkII?

Would be helpful to collate the info from each user here.

Have you experienced it on FW7 beta?

What about an experiment:

Set your boot preset to an empty one.

See if you encounter it when set up that way.

Tagging @m_brown for visibility.
Thanks, good idea. I will try that.

Just installed FW7.

I'm now on on FW7 beta1 + Presets and latest FM9-Edit on my FM9T Mk I.
I'm revisiting this because I haven't had a further recurrence of this issue. I've used the FM9 without issue for approximately 90 hours since installing FW7. I use the unit every day, so that's at least 60 boot ups.

It's possible that FW7 has resolved the problem. Has anyone else experienced the problem on FW7?
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