Fm9 Turbo

Wow. A true stealth forum member. :). You joined 11 years ago, and your first forum post was today!

Enjoy! And check back when you come up for air 11 years from now. :cool:
Yeah ,I'm Shy That Way........Although I've

Learned a LOT From You Guys over the years(Ever Since I Picked Up My Axe-Fx2 XL+)(Still Have It)......
ALSO,I picked up a Line-6 Power cab 212 plus To Use With my New Fm9.....I was Wondering if Someone Out there thats Using that combination Could Give Me Some Pointers on how to Set Them Up To Work Together For the Best onstage Results........Thanks for the Help In Advance.....
ALSO,I picked up a Line-6 Power cab 212 plus To Use With my New Fm9.....I was Wondering if Someone Out there thats Using that combination Could Give Me Some Pointers on how to Set Them Up To Work Together For the Best onstage Results........Thanks for the Help In Advance.....

@JiveTurkey, you ever go this route?
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