FM9 Turbo-Expression pedals will not calibrate


New Member
I have tried to calibrate 3 different expression pedals (Mission SP-1, Proline and M-Audio) and none of them will calibrate properly.
I am using the Setup - I/O - Pedal menu on the unit and when I calibrate the pedals the meter on the calibrate function does not go through the full range.
I am new to the FM9 so I am likely missing something.
When I add a Wah block and assign the pedal the "control" range is 6.75 to 10.00.

Any ideas/suggestion would be appreciated.
Did you press Enter after calibration? I am not at the unit right now, but remember at first i did not press Enter.
Yeah, I messed up a few times because I didn’t push “enter”… I pushed “exit” instead. Make sure you press “enter” after swinging the pedal.
Thanks for the quick responses!!!
Yes I hit enter after the calibration
I am using TRS.
For some reason all 3 pedals are not calibrating the full range.
On the calibrate pedal page the orange box has the meter to show the pedal range and it is not sweeping fully from left to right.
Does the pedal have a trim adjust knob on the side (like an EV-5)? Some of these pedals have trim adjustments - and they can be hard to see - they look like the pivot of the pedal. Anyway check for a trim adjust and make sure it it set to full scale.
The ProLine and M-Audio pedals have a polarity switch. If their polarity isn't set right, they won't work properly with Fractal gear.

The Mission pedal's polarity is opposite to the polarity of Fractal gear. It won't work properly without a polarity-reversing TRS cable.
The ProLine and M-Audio pedals have a polarity switch. If their polarity isn't set right, they won't work properly with Fractal gear.

The Mission pedal's polarity is opposite to the polarity of Fractal gear. It won't work properly without a polarity-reversing TRS cable.
I tried the polarity switches on both the M-Audio and Proline. It made a small difference but not fully sweeping still.
Does the pedal have a trim adjust knob on the side (like an EV-5)? Some of these pedals have trim adjustments - and they can be hard to see - they look like the pivot of the pedal. Anyway check for a trim adjust and make sure it it set to full scale.
SJB - thanks I’ll take a look at that
Does your TRS cable have a TRS connector on both ends? And is each end fully seated in its jack?
I'm reading your first post.

Keep in mind, the slider does -NOT- need to go the full range in the calibration screen. This just allows the unit to see the upper and lower limit of the pedal. Hitting "Enter" will set the unit where those values are. Make sure this is set right correctly.

I use the M-Audio, so the polarity switch and the taper knob need to be set correctly.
Success. I have both the M-Audio and Proline working thanks to the suggestions. Trim knob and polarity switch took care of it.
Sounds like the Mission will need a reverse polarity TRS cable so I will look into that.

Thank you all for the responses.. You guys ROCK!!!!
Success. I have both the M-Audio and Proline working thanks to the suggestions. Trim knob and polarity switch took care of it.
Sounds like the Mission will need a reverse polarity TRS cable so I will look into that.

Thank you all for the responses.. You guys ROCK!!!!
If you’re only using the Mission pedal with your Fractal gear, swapping the internal wiring to the jack is a cheap, quick fix, as is making your own crossover cable
Success. I have both the M-Audio and Proline working thanks to the suggestions. Trim knob and polarity switch took care of it.
Sounds like the Mission will need a reverse polarity TRS cable so I will look into that.

Thank you all for the responses.. You guys ROCK!!!!
My Mission SP1 will only go as far as 9.06 out of 10 in the toe down position. Tried calibrating it a bunch of times. So I have to reverse the polarity? Just want it make sure before I switch it. Btw, I’m running it through my FC12, not straight into the AFX3.
My Mission SP1 will only go as far as 9.06 out of 10 in the toe down position. Tried calibrating it a bunch of times. So I have to reverse the polarity? Just want it make sure before I switch it. Btw, I’m running it through my FC12, not straight into the AFX3.

What firmware version is on your FC-12?

There was an issue a while back where the expression pedal would not reach all the way to 10 and it required a firmware update of the FC-12.

Of course this assumes that you're doing the correct calibration process. Make sure you're calibrating the FC jack not the Axe Fx jack.

Does the "bar" on screen move when the pedal moves?

Make sure you press ENTER after you are done. If not, it's not set. People miss this step a lot.
FC firmware is 1.12. I just realized that the bar in the screen is not moving, and that it used to when I had the pedal plugged straight into the AFX. How do I calibrate the FC jack? I don’t think I saw that in the manual. Thanks for the help.
FC firmware is 1.12. I just realized that the bar in the screen is not moving, and that it used to when I had the pedal plugged straight into the AFX. How do I calibrate the FC jack? I don’t think I saw that in the manual. Thanks for the help.
Calibration for FC-connected pedals is in a different menu section. Look under the FC Controllers section....
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