FM9 "platform"?



I have a rather soft carpet in my home studio. I would therefore like to buy a hard surface of some kinds on which to put the FM9 so the vents underneath aren't obstructed and to avoid dust. Has anyone had the same need and have you found a good solution you'd be willing to share?
Had same situation here. Went to Home Depot, found a nice piece of oak, had it cut to same dimensions as FM9, problem solved.
Once built a wooden riser out of 20"x30"x ¾" ply and 2x4. Used small right-angle braces to secure it. Angled it so the front was lower than the back. Used wood screws to attach it. Placed a 1x3 across the middle underside. Stained it mahogany, still have it in storage.

Served its purpose for many years prior to FAS. Currently own a Temple Audio Duo 34 board over low-pile carpet.
I used to use a piece of hardboard/fiberboard. I cut it with a utility knife and then painted some diluted white glue on all the edges to keep it clean.

Maybe put it on a Temple board? Fits great on a Duo 24....

Maybe put it on a Temple board? Fits great on a Duo 24....
Or perhaps if you're feeling peckish...


A Temple Audio Duo 34...just enough for an outboard pedal and 2 external stand-in switches, an expression (or 2 if no outboard pedal nor switches...), and the FM9...although Joe's design is really nice, the Duo 34 meets my needs adequately...
I'd use or build a pedalboard.

What I did was to pile up layers of 3M Dual Lock (sticky to sticky, and dual lock to dual lock) to act as a bit of a riser so that I didn't have to take off the feet/sides and it didn't block the bottom fan. It's strong enough that I can pick up the board (with some pedals and a power supply) by the FM3 handles.

I used a Pedaltrain Classic Jr.
Or perhaps if you're feeling peckish...


A Temple Audio Duo 34...just enough for an outboard pedal and 2 external stand-in switches, an expression (or 2 if no outboard pedal nor switches...), and the FM9...although Joe's design is really nice, the Duo 34 meets my needs adequately...
Nice! Do you fasten the FM9 to the board with the sticky pads or do you just put it on top of the board letting the weight keep it in place?
Nice! Do you fasten the FM9 to the board with the sticky pads or do you just put it on top of the board letting the weight keep it in place?


Thanks! The ones in the listing below. M3.5 x 0.6 16mm. Bag of 10 will do ya. The listing doesn't mention 0.6 in each choice but mentions it in the description. The image may seem off because it is...the top correct view are Philips heads, not square bit. (The top image was on my former FM3 of which specialty square bit screws were utilized. These couldn't be located anywhere except for one business I personally was aware of, but @unix-guy set us right with the correct amazon size.)

Temple Audio also makes adhesive pads that you'd need spacers for so the rubber feet could remain on; @OrganicZed's link will connect you with what you'd need. TBH, it was just more cost-effective to replace the 4 cornered screws. Doing so will save you some bucks.

Amazon product ASIN B078GZFQ85
Note to self: Try to clean up the audio and power cables with better zip tie placement. (There, I feel better now.)
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Just go to Lowes / Home Depot / Home Improvement store and buy a finished shelf board. Will work and is like $6.
A case of one man trying to change a light bulb and others telling them it'll cost them less if they use an oil lamp.
I picked up this fairly basic pedalboard on Amazon. Didn't waste time taking a hacksaw to it to remove the fourth slat. Getting a new expression pedal for the right side since I sold my Dunlop DVP4 along with my FM3 as a package.

[SOYAN Extra Large Guitar Pedal Board 25.6”x11.9”]

I put mine on a PedalTrain Classic 2. Fits a mini expression pedal and a TC Helicon Mic Mechanic beside it (and a Keely Fuzz Head behind it).
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