Fm9 Output 3 to Duncan Powerstage


Hey all -

I am routing my output 3 on the fm9 at unity gain to my Duncan PowerStage 200. In my patches I am trying to have output level set at around 0, but the PS is lighting up saying I am clipping the preamp. I would think logically if I am not clipping the output according to the Axe FX that would mean I'm not clipping the input of the Powerstage? According to the Powerstage manual:
PREAMP CLIP / STATUS INDICATOR This LED also serves multiple purposes, indicating the following. • Preamp voltage clip warning – the LED will begin to light when the input signal is 6dB below the level of clipping. You should adjust the output level of the audio device directly feeding the PS200 so that this LED flashes on signal peaks
Given this description, I would assume that it should only be lighting up when I'm actually peaking on my Axe Fx but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I:
1. Running Unity Gain knob too hot
2. Not supposed to have the output patch levels hitting at 0db(ish)

Sorry if this is an obvious answer, just don't want to be frying the PS due to my lack of knowledge. Any thoughts?

I wouldn't worry about blowing up the PS, it's probably protected 8 different ways, and you're only clipping the preamp. I would recommend that the clip indicator is likely very conservative, so use your ears to decide if it doesn't sound right.

Alternatively, if you don't need the input to the PS to be full-scale, just turn down the CH3 out. The "0dB" aspect only matters if you're trying to recreate plugging directly into the input with your instrument. If it's just a way to amplify the FM9 output, turn down the FM9 out a little and turn the PS level to what you need.
I would think logically if I am not clipping the output according to the Axe FX that would mean I'm not clipping the input of the Powerstage?
Nope. It doesn't mean that.

If you're not clipping the Axe-Fx output, that just means that the Axe-Fx can handle delivering the signal level it's trying to deliver. It doesn't mean anything about what the Powerstage can handle. Your Axe-Fx has no way of knowing what signal level your Powerstage can handle.
Unity Gain is Input to Output with shunts. any other blocks can increase the level beyond Unity Gain. so turning the knob all the way up doesn't guarantee specific Unity Gain if blocks or other settings are pushing it past that.

set the knob where it needs to be for the next gear in the signal chain.
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