FM9 No sound? Had to reboot then ok…


So just did the update and at practice
When I switch from one preset to another
No sound?
Had to turn off the unit
And then the sound came back???

Freak accident ? Or is it something in need to find and address?
Is it still going silent when switching presets? Or just that once?

Did you update the FW and then start practice immediately, or had you switched presets successfully before rehearsal, and then had a glitch?
Sounds like a weird one-off. I think that if this were a bug we would have had widespread reports about that update since it was released in early April.

Had you saved your presets to update them to the latest revision?
Is it still going silent when switching presets? Or just that once?

Did you update the FW and then start practice immediately, or had you switched presets successfully before rehearsal, and then had a glitch?
Yes basically updated… but didn’t try the preset that “failed” until practice….
What is the CPU %? If it's marginal (near 80%) it can overrange intermittently.

Is it still dropping out? Any other presets doing this?

Based on many of the discussions, you can have presets misbehave immediately following an update, with some sort of refresh fixing the problems. Could be that.
What is the CPU %? If it's marginal (near 80%) it can overrange intermittently.

Is it still dropping out? Any other presets doing this?

Based on many of the discussions, you can have presets misbehave immediately following an update, with some sort of refresh fixing the problems. Could be that.
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