FM9 Help Needed Poor Sound and feel


New Member
Hi Please help if possible im wondering if this unit is for me i cant seem to get a tone i like out of it, everyone seems to love it but i don't or at least not at the moment. i am lucky to have a few decent amps an Engl E570, Marshall 6100lm and a JCM 900 combo ive played loads of gigs over the years with these and they all sound great, different from each other but really good, i plug in turn it on and fiddle a little with the eq and there good to go. So i bought the Fm9 a few months back and i realise theres a learning curve but i have tried and tried again but with no joy. I should also mention im using the Marshall jvm amp model mainly, but have obviously tried others looking for a sound similar to my above Marshalls. The idea was to cut down on all the heavy gear, and the places we are playing provide backline as theres no way of unloading and parking anywhere near the venues, so back to it heres what i've tried so far, i have gigged it but i was really uncomfortable with the way it sounded.
As a preamp with cab sim and power amp off directly into my Peavey classic 50/50 tube power amp into a Marshall Mode 4 cab with G12-K100 speakers. the result is a slightly cocked wah sound with poor feel and all presets sound similar (probably because im using the same amp and cab). theres no definition or snap to the sound.
As a preamp again into my Marshall JCM 900 FX retun as above with amp and cab sims off, similar results to above but with less cocked wah sound but poor feel and dull blanket over the speaker kinda sound.
I Bought a Atomic CLR and have tried it pluged directly into that with amp and cab sims on and it really is ear piercing and brittle sounding its probably worse than the two previous attempts. i have used the EQ on the cab block with a high and low pass filter set at about 60hz and 6500hz ish
Finally at Rehearsals i plug into a Fender Blues deluxe and its also really bright and unpleasant to listen to, i understand the Fletcher Munson curve and have tried to accommodate for this and tried to set all the eqs at gigging volume but no joy. I unplug the Fractal and try the Marshall and its instantly better not different as one would expect as there different animals but infinitely better, the Fm 9 sounds like a Cheap overdrive pedal in front of a delay.
Now i know that all the people that use this are not using it with the results i'm getting but i'm feeling at a loss, am i missing something? i cant get it to sound anything like my amps and it really dosent feel right its hard to describe its like the way the guitar feels if the tone control on the guitar is fully off, theres no definition or attack and it feels dull, or so bright and midrangy its horrid to listen to (Atomic CLR and Fender).
Things i have tried.
The main Eq in the global settings or an eq at the end of the chain just before the output block.
Cuts in the Cab block to remove highs and lows obviously only when using it with the FRFR.
Making sure i have a good signal in without clipping any of the ins and outs on the unit and trying different settings in the preamp section ie volume high low mid that kind thing.
Sorry for the Long post but i tried to give as much info as possible im not concerned about the effects i just want to get a good core sound and go from there, all the videos i have watched the sounds are great. Many thanks
dull blanket over the speaker kinda sound
That's a symptom of running the master volume too hot…

Quoting Cliff
One common theme with new users is the "blanket over the sound" complaint. Often this is due to excessive Master Volume values.

Share your preset and a backup of your global settings so we can look at them, and, in the meantime, connect to the CLR and work through several of the factory presets, comparing the Amp and Cab settings to what you've been using. The factory presets are designed to be used at stage volume; As you said you're aware of Fletcher-Munson you understand why.

In general I've found that I can strip everything out of a preset except for the In -> Amp -> Cab -> Out and it'll sound good. Other blocks add frills and nice-to-have sounds, but they can also introduce problems, and stripping them out while testing can show where the problem lies very quickly.
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That's a symptom of running the master volume too hot…

Share your preset and a backup of your global settings so we can look at them, and, in the meantime, connect to the CLR and work through several of the factory presets, comparing the Amp and Cab settings to what you've been using. The factory presets are designed to be used at stage volume; As you said you're aware of Fletcher-Munson you understand why.

In general I've found that I can strip everything out of a preset except for the In -> Amp -> Cab -> Out and it'll sound good. Other blocks add frills and nice-to-have sounds, but they can also induce problems, and stripping them out while testing can show where the problem lies very quickly.
Thanks Greg there's nothing to post really as i did the firmware upgrade a couple of days ago and i reinstalled the presets, i only had the one preset that i made, and used it for the gig i played, but i wasnt really happy with it, all the rest were just the factory presets. i have been trying the presets as you say but not having much luck, through the CLR everything sounds very bright its almost like the cab block is not on but it is.

"Running the master volume too hot" would that be the master in the amp block or the input section of the setup menu? i have tried to keep headroom in the amp block on the headroom indicator and i have the guitar input in the setup menu set at .0375 as anything more and it starts to overdrive everything i did think that was quite low. Should i go mad with the global eq and try and dial something in? only problem i see with that is only a few presets will sound good but i suppose thats a few more than im getting at the moment. Thanks again
...its almost like the cab block is not on but it is.
Is the Cab block turned off globally in setup?

"Running the master volume too hot" would that be the master in the amp block or the input section of the setup menu?
Master Volume in the Amp block. Not the Level parameter, but the one labeled “Master.”
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