FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

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It’s interesting to see/hear everyone’s experiences with dynacabs. The instant I tried them on my axe-fx 3 I was hooked. It was like removing a big, heavy blanket from the cab! I couldn’t stand playing my FM9 anymore until the beta came out. Others are saying their IR’s are way better. I had Ownhammer and York IR’s and they were no match for the sound of dynacabs. Just shows how everyone’s ears and expectations are different!
I have a ton of IRs, mostly York Audio, but dyna cabs sound like I’m mic’ing a cab. Not just professionally. But like even a little clumsily, which to me, is the whole point of live sound—like you’re doing your own sound and tossing a mic or 2 on your cab where it’s convenient based on the space of the stage. This is just my approach and my personal reason for enjoying dyna cabs. Other’s miles may vary.

@Fordprefect is this your experience as well? I know you’ve got the full she-bang on your fm3.
I have a ton of IRs, mostly York Audio, but dyna cabs sound like I’m mic’ing a cab. Not just professionally. But like even a little clumsily, which to me, is the whole point of live sound—like you’re doing your own sound and tossing a mic or 2 on your cab where it’s convenient based on the space of the stage. This is just my approach and my personal reason for enjoying dyna cabs. Other’s miles may vary.

@Fordprefect is this your experience as well? I know you’ve got the full she-bang on your fm3.
Looking forward to see if ML, OH or York add a few dyna cabs of their own.
The "old school way" had a myriad of vendors that ultimately resulted in a great variety of IRs and sounds.
I have a ton of IRs, mostly York Audio, but dyna cabs sound like I’m mic’ing a cab. Not just professionally. But like even a little clumsily, which to me, is the whole point of live sound—like you’re doing your own sound and tossing a mic or 2 on your cab where it’s convenient based on the space of the stage. This is just my approach and my personal reason for enjoying dyna cabs. Other’s miles may vary.

@Fordprefect is this your experience as well? I know you’ve got the full she-bang on your fm3.
I have a ton of IRs, mostly York Audio, but dyna cabs sound like I’m mic’ing a cab. Not just professionally. But like even a little clumsily, which to me, is the whole point of live sound—like you’re doing your own sound and tossing a mic or 2 on your cab where it’s convenient based on the space of the stage. This is just my approach and my personal reason for enjoying dyna cabs. Other’s miles may vary.

@Fordprefect is this your experience as well? I know you’ve got the full she-bang on your fm3.
Exactly. This has been the cab equivalent of Cygnus for me. Really easy to use and tweak as needed. For anyone who has had to mic an amp live, it makes instant sense and translates perfectly in the fractal. Couldn't be happier with my fm3 at the moment.
Have updated my live presets and wow. This sound is a real game changer. The quality of the sound and the ease of use to change the mic settings are making it even mire a piece of cake to dial in a perfect tone. It almost feels to me that the digital part of the sound has become even more analog in terms of feeling. Have played last two days with the dyna cabs and have found no issues at all with the beta firmware. I did notice just that the overall volume dropped slightly but it might be me. Great update 👍👍
Took all my courage and updated. Wow. Nothing exploded, all works fine so far. To me its much more intuitive to mess around with the graphical mic positions. Found better Sounds in minutes.
Struggling to find a dynacab for the atomica high. Anyone on the same mission? The 5150 was easy.
The ribbon gets me in the ballpark. Thx
I usually use the ribbon position around 2.54, combined with the dynamic 2 position around 3.17-3.71. I use the low cut on the dynamic around 100hz, and the low cut of the preamp page of the cab and the amp input page around 85hz
I usually use the ribbon position around 2.54, combined with the dynamic 2 position around 3.17-3.71. I use the low cut on the dynamic around 100hz, and the low cut of the preamp page of the cab and the amp input page around 85hz
For the atomica, I wasn't happy with the added highs from the dynamic mics. The amp already has enough of those.
For the 5150 I had no problem with using dyn1 or 2.
Normally I use legacy 37 which is a great IR for the atomica. It's darker sounding with great mids.
Alright these dynacabs are fantastic. The only negative is the longer boot time for the FM9, but I'm sold. I have a huge collection of IRs from over the years, everything from the old Redwirez ones from a decade ago to York Audio, ML, Ownhammer, and even a bunch I've captured myself that I'm really happy with. The dynacabs instantly sound as good if not better and sit in a mix beautifully with little tweaking and no need for additional EQ. Love it!

(now can we get a Badlander model plz!) :D
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