FM9 Expression Pedal Questions

@geetarplayer I was totally hoping it would be something that simple for just basic up/down volume. I really didn't want to get involved in trying to calibrate it so last minute. I think that link you posted is probably going to come in paper form with the EV-1 tomorrow. Because I didn't see that in the manual for the FM9. Thanks for the post!
the analog volume will always be pre-gain, before your amps if you go guitar > ev > fm input.

many use volume pedals this way, but it's your only option. expression is much more full-featured and calibration takes less than a minute. just need that TRS cable into the Pedal jack, and assign what you want to that pedal jack in the Modifier menu of that parameter.
Not sure if this is the correct thread to ask this question. I was wondering, how can I use an expression pedal connected to the FM9 for MIDI-controlling an external pedal's expression function? E.g. when using a Meris Enzo in the Out3 -> In3 loop I would like to control the Enzo’s expression function (Midi CC#4) within a certain preset or scene.

Thanks in advance!

Not currently possible, unfortunately. You can't currently generate MIDI messages directly from the pedal jacks that way. You'd need a dedicated MIDI capable expression pedal or adapter to create the CC# messages.
the analog volume will always be pre-gain, before your amps if you go guitar > ev > fm input.

many use volume pedals this way, but it's your only option. expression is much more full-featured and calibration takes less than a minute. just need that TRS cable into the Pedal jack, and assign what you want to that pedal jack in the Modifier menu of that parameter.
I'm definitely with you, but I made a mistake with buying an expression pedal. I sat on the fence too long, and even ordered a Boss pedal from Amazon, that I just started a return for. Boss usually makes good stuff, but I think this pedal from them is really cheap, and it uses TS only, not TRS, so in terms of expression, it isn't even compatible with the Fractal.

By the time I realized this, and just bit the bullet and ordered the EV-1, I kind of painted myself into a corner. If I get the pedal in time to play live with it tomorrow night, I don't want to devote any RAM in my brain to calibrating it, then going through my presets and trying to decide what I want it to do in various scenes and presets. My head will just explode. So tomorrow it's analog volume only, and next week I will set it up proper.

In truth, I may have just said screw it and did what you're suggesting, if I actually had any experience at all with expression pedals. I had one on one of my Boss multi-effects units, I think it was the old GT-3, and literally the only thing I ever used it for was volume. The last time I used even a simplistic wah was when I had an old Crybaby, back in the nineties, and even then, I gave it away and went with a Mutron III for my Jerry Garcia auto wah. So I really think this is the right call, not even thinking about expression of any sort until I finish my gig tomorrow.
Probably a wise move to not change a bunch of stuff in your presets right before a gig. Afterwards, you'll probably want to add a Vol/Pan block to each of your presets, then assign a modifier to the Volume parameter and set your pedal as the source. That's pretty much it. You could assign the pedal as a global input or output volume control, but then you couldn't use the pedal for any other functions like Wah or Whammy. Using the Vol/Pan block gives you a lot more flexibility, but the downside is you'll have to set it up in every preset you need it in individually. I personally like to put the Vol/Pan block after the amp block, but before any delays or reverbs. That lets you do high gain volume swells while your reverb and delay tails continue to ring out.
I am considering picking up an expression pedal, maybe two if needed. My questions are:

1. Can you use the same expression pedal for both Wah and volume control in different presets or scenes, or do you need two pedals, because each one can only be used for either/or?

2. Is there any reason, other than branding, to pay for the Fractal brand expression pedals? They are twice the price of the other name brands (Boss, Line 6, Korg, Zoom, etc.), which is fine if I actually have a good reason to spend the extra cash.

My three EV2 pedals are rock solid and work great. That said, I use a Mission CryBaby shaped pedal for my dedicated wah controller....

Sweetwater has some good TRS cables in 3', 5' and more, and decent prices....
but the downside is you'll have to set it up in every preset you need it in individually.
I am surprised FA does not have the ability to have the VolPan block pedal assignment override the global input volume pedal setting on a per preset basis. Or if not, why wouldn't they have included the VolPan block bypassed in all the factory Presets. As a new owner, I just ran across this issue on setting up VolPan blocks in my presets, but now none of the factory Presets have volume control,so I will have to modify over 500 factory Presets.
I am surprised FA does not have the ability to have the VolPan block pedal assignment override the global input volume pedal setting on a per preset basis. Or if not, why wouldn't they have included the VolPan block bypassed in all the factory Presets. As a new owner, I just ran across this issue on setting up VolPan blocks in my presets, but now none of the factory Presets have volume control,so I will have to modify over 500 factory Presets.
There are only 384 factory presets ;)

The factory presets are there as examples and starting points. Edit as you see fit for your needs.
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