FM9-Edit 1.02.11

Michael Pickens

FAS Software Engineer
Fractal Audio Systems
FM9-Edit 1.02.11 is now available via auto-update or from our website:


VERSION 1.02.11
April 25, 2024

Current FM9 Firmware Version: 7.00

  • Mac version requires OS version 10.13 or newer
  • Windows version requires Windows 7 or newer
  • Minimum firmware version 3.00


* Corrected the "LFO" label in the FLANGER layout.

* Added support for translating "Kill Dry" parameter across presets for the Axe-Fx III, FM3, and FM9.
Does "Added support for translating "Kill Dry" parameter across presets for the Axe-Fx III, FM3, and FM9" mean we can change a current block to a kill dry configuration and retain the effective mix relationship? if so how do I run it on a delay block?

Or is it to allow the kill dry parameters to be transferred from a FM9 preset to a AXEFXIII preset? .
I just realized the presence knob doesn't have modifier capabilities anymore, was it removed on purpose or is it a bug?
I found a small bug with this version of edit, using fw 7 release on an FM9 Turbo, with a 2020 m1 macbook air running Sonoma 14.4.1.

I am creating a custom switch for a preset using Per-Preset Override, with FC Per Prst. If I choose the Mini-Display Label option "Custom", anything I type into the Custom Label field comes out with strange characters, and considerably more than characters I type. If you change the Mini-Display Label option "Function" then back to "Custom", it has what you actually typed. Not a huge deal breaker.
I found a small bug with this version of edit, using fw 7 release on an FM9 Turbo, with a 2020 m1 macbook air running Sonoma 14.4.1.

I am creating a custom switch for a preset using Per-Preset Override, with FC Per Prst. If I choose the Mini-Display Label option "Custom", anything I type into the Custom Label field comes out with strange characters, and considerably more than characters I type. If you change the Mini-Display Label option "Function" then back to "Custom", it has what you actually typed. Not a huge deal breaker.
Is it ok to say that Sonoma has no problem with using the FM9 editor?
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