FM9 Delays Follow Preset Tempo?


Power User
A 1/4 note delay does not stay in time with the tapped in time. It should be right with the tempo, right?

If.I adjust master time to 152% it comes close. What am I doing wrong?
It won’t follow the light, if that’s what you mean. It will be in time from when you strummed/picked.
It should match if you are tapping right I guess.

Although I remember having trouble tapping in the right tempo with MFC and Axe fx II when trying to match it to a Metronome. It never really was right and always much off tempo. So much that I stopped using it altogether. Didn’t have that problem with other tap tempo delay pedals. Not sure if tap tempo has improved in the FM or Axe fx in the mean time?
Tapping on my FM3 works fine, and FM9 also. I didn’t notice the delays not being right when I first got the FM9, which is why I assumed I accidentally changed some system parameter. It’s the weirdest thing. I can, for example, enter 60bpm as the tempo, put in a mono delay set for 1/4 notes, and hear the delays are much faster than one every second. Like I said, adjusting the master time to 152 gets them close.
Are you sure you're selecting 1/4 and not 1/4 Trip? A 1/4 note triplet is about 2/3 as long as a quarter note, so a 50% increase in the master time would make it match a 1/4 note.
Good questions. I checked a couple of my newer presets and one I purchased a while back and they all exhibited the problem.

Yes, I'm sure it was 1/4. I even tried whole note and the odd timing relationship remained.

I don't play out for a couple weeks now, so I'll maybe try resetting system parameters and creating a blank preset. If that doesn't work I'll post a preset.
If the presets were converted from another platform, there could be some issues from the conversion.

Check the 'Master Time' parameter.
I created a new preset. No change.
I reset system parameters. No change.
Master Time is set to 100%.

Maybe I don't understand how this should work, but it seems to me a tempo of 60bpm should yield a delay time of 1000mS when 1/4 is selected. And yet I get 667mS. Am I screwed up? Or is something really wonky here?

What happens if you change the preset tempo to 120 BPM?

Are you using the preset tempo, or the global tempo?
SOLVED! I was fishing around on the hardware and happen to look at a delay block. It was set for 1/4Trip. Somehow FM9-Edit got screwed up. So I refreshed block definitions and now it showed 1/4Trip also. Changing it to 1/4 yielded the expected results.

Thanks to all that tried to help!
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