FM3 with Hotone Ampero EC-4 (Ampero Control)?

Ok....The FM3 I had to set the Eff Bypass to TOGGLE from VALUE. That did it for the effects. Now I just need to get the hold function so 4 switches can be 8 scenes! And then program exp ports on the Hotone.
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@unix-guy Can you do tap and hold via MIDI?

Alternatively, can you set up a MIDI switch as a stand in switch, that would then allow tap and hold?
@unix-guy Can you do tap and hold via MIDI?

Alternatively, can you set up a MIDI switch as a stand in switch, that would then allow tap and hold?
That's totally dependent on the midi controller.

From checking the manual, it doesn't seem like it.

They support a "Hold" function but it doesn't seem to be the same as what we think of as Hold (which is really "long press").
Thanks @unix-guy :)

@Tremonti It looks like you can do this with "physical" switches, set up as stand in switches (which the Ampero can support), but not via MIDI.

However, if you use 2 x 2 button physical switches on the FM3 Pedal jacks, you won't be able to use an Expression pedal via a Jack.

You might be able to do Expression pedal(s) via MIDI?
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Thanks @unix-guy :)

@Tremonti It looks like you can do this with "physical" switches, set up as stand in switches (which the Ampero can support), but not via MIDI.

However, if you use 2 x 2 button physical switches on the FM3 Pedal jacks, you won't be able to use an Expression pedal via a Jack.

You might be able to do that via MIDI?
That's a good idea if he has the room for more switches. The controller appears to have 2 expression jacks.
I had a look at the specs for the Ampero Control. It looks like it's footswitches can only send MIDI, so this particular footswitch can't be used for Stand In switches via the physical jacks on the FM3.

The Ampero's Exp/Ctl jacks allow more pedals (eg an Expression pedal) to be connected to  it, but then the resulting output will be via MIDI.

So, I think no stand in switches therefore no tap and hold via the Ampero. If you connect physical switches to the FM3, then you could use the Ampero for another 4 switches, plus Expression, all via MIDI.
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