FM3 Wah Auto Engage

Jerry K.

I just recently picked up a new FM3, I followed the instructions to enable the "Global Expression Pedal" and everything seems to be working. If I go to the very first patch (and many others), I notice that the Wah will auto engage if I press the expression pedal down. I am trying to figure out where the auto engage is programmed because if I look at the bypass button in the wah block, there is nothing assigned to it but the "bypass" button is yellow as though it has something assigned. Where is this feature being programmed because it does not seem to be in the wah block itself?
Auto engage can be enabled in any modifier in a block. There doesn't need to be a modifier on the Bypass parameter for it to work. It's most likely in the modifier for the Control parameter of the Wah block.
That was it! In all these years of using the Fractal stuff I never used the auto engage, always toe switch. Thanks!
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