FM3 vs AX8

Someone with more experience programming an AX8 can make it sound better than someone with less experience programming an FM3/FM9. It's not just about equipment, it's about making the most of it. I bet you if I put a $300 guitar with an ordinary amp in the hands of Steve Vai or Hendrix they could make it sound better than 95% of AXE FX III or FM9 users. Having access to the greatest equipment in the world will only make a difference at the highest levels of competition in the world , like GRAMMY level, where EVERY advantage counts.

I remember back when THE EDGE (U2) was using a Boss DD3 delay pedal he was still producing and competing at the top of the world. :)

Learn to master the use and programming of the AX8 before you rush out to buy the next latest Fractal Product! My $0.02
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