FM3 Turbo For The Win...

This is a pic I got a while back when I was information gathering :
View attachment 89535

The Data Sheet is here :

I don't think there is a more powerful one offered. I also don't know what DSP's are in either FM3 or FM9 but I'm pretty sure it is in this family.
One DSP does not a modeler make... ;)

These 2 statements don't seem to agree with each other:
However ...the Neural DSP Quad Cortex uses the same (2) processors that the FM9

I also don't know what DSP's are in either FM3 or FM9 but I'm pretty sure it is in this family.
One DSP does not a modeler make... ;)

These 2 statements don't seem to agree with each other:
I did say (I believe) maybe you missed that in your Quote.
One DSP does not a modeler make... ;)
Yea, I get that ... that's why I bought the FM3. ;)
I think you would agree that even a great programmer can only squeeze out so much out of the single 2 Core chip. Cliff did go with the 2 Chips on the FM9 ...correct ?
Anyway ... I was just commenting on :
What processor is available for them to use?
The only thing that will knock the Axe Fx III out of flagship status will be the Axe Fx IV. The FM3 and FM9 are for a different purpose, and all three have a place. It’s reasonable to say FAS will continue developing all three platforms, and seeing a MK II, more powerful version (or Turbo, if you like) of the FM3 or 9 would be very consistent with what I’ve seen from Fractal Audio in 10 years of gigging their products.

While some here seem to miss it, most realize that FAS has a very good grasp of the market and who’s buying what out there. And they love making the best products better. I think we can continue to look forward to that!

I agree 100% with this. FAS have a very smart product line up now with something for everyone. Some people love the small form of the FM3; others say it's too limiting. For them, there's the FM9. Some people say the FM9 is too big (clearly they have forgotten what they used to lug around). For them, the FM3 is perfect. All systems can be further expanded with the FC controllers. It's actually quite brilliant.
I agree 100% with this. FAS have a very smart product line up now with something for everyone. Some people love the small form of the FM3; others say it's too limiting. For them, there's the FM9. Some people say the FM9 is too big (clearly they have forgotten what they used to lug around). For them, the FM3 is perfect. All systems can be further expanded with the FC controllers. It's actually quite brilliant.
Exactly! I remember when there was only the rack unit. It was great but everyone kept asking for an all-in-one floor unit. That concept has evolved so they have a basic unit that is powerful, flexible, and expandable in the FM3. Minimum of bells and whistles in its basic guise, but with all the great amp tone. Now there’s a middle ground with the FM9, with more than the 3 but less than the III. Of course, there is the Axe Fx III for those who need or want the best of everything, in a setup that is still very portable.

It’s brilliant, and has taken 15 years to get to this point. Will there be a full Axe Fx III in a floor package? Maybe, but I think they’ve hit the sweet spot in cost and function, and it seems wise to keep developing three tiers to have something for everyone.
That sounds like maybe what you want based on the competition. ;)

I would not expect that from Fractal but that's only my opinion.
I like, for example, the positioning of the microphone in front of the cab on Neural. Simple and transparent. But I admit that resignation from physical buttons is also not my cup of tea :)
How about how Fractal will show a touch screen device? 😀
That would be more for next gen.

A touchscreen version of the FM3 would not be awesome without other things around it. People focus on that aspect of the Quad Cortex a lot but what makes the QC really nice to use is the combination of a touchscreen and the knobs/switches. Having tactile feel for controls makes a big difference. Touchscreens are awesome for selecting stuff and operating things like say a parametric or graphic EQ where you have a clear visual representation on screen that works out of the box with the concept of selecting and moving things with your finger. Touchscreens are not that great for turning virtual knobs tho and I think the QC would be a flop if that was the only way to operate them instead of just tapping a block and turning a real knob.

So if Fractal makes a touchscreen device next gen, they should still offer a row of knob encoders under it. Preferably even two rows so you don't need to pick control rows like you need to do with the current platform. I think they had something good with the AX8 encoder+LED ring quick controls but squandered its possibilities by not making it user configurable. It could have been a really nice version of the performance view found on the current gen.

I think it's pretty obvious that modelers are moving towards using touchscreens. Line6 guys have talked that they wanted the Helix to have a touchscreen on it originally but management balked at the idea thinking it was too out there at the time. Now we have products like the Headrush and QC showing that it can work very well.

A FM3 Turbo would be nice, but would it raise the price too much in relation to the FM9? I think their lineup is fine for this gen.
For me the FM3 "turbo" would be a new FW issue with the latest new FAS amp and distortion blocks FAS added in FW17; nothing more nothing less..😁 Did you listen the Marco Fanton patch for the III ? Killer sounds
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