FM3 Preset and Scene Select with Bandhelper


I'm coming from the AX8 and had Bandhelper for having set lists for each gig, pressing a song and it would send midi commands to change both preset and scene. I'm trying to do the same thing in FM3 but am stuck.

I'm trying to select preset 401, scene 2. Here's what I've done:
Added a new Midi Device in Bandhelper, set it to use Channel 2.
Went into Midi/Remote Setup and changed Channel to 2, Scene Select to 34.
Created a new Midi Preset (401 in this example), set the Program Changes to be 3 0 17.
Set Control Changes to 34 1

If I press the song it changes the preset but not the scene.
I tried using a different number for Scene Select on the FM3, set it to 127, then changed the Midi Preset Control Changes to 127 1 and this happens:

If I'm on another preset and press a song that uses my new Midi Preset, it changes the existing preset scene to 2 but the preset doesn't change.
I press the song again and nothing happens.
Press it a third time and it finally changes the preset to the correct one, but lands on scene 1.

Any idea what I'm missing?
I also tried using the Hex Code but that didn't work.
Is there a unique number I have to use for Scene Select on the FM3?
Thanks for any suggestions!
If I'm on another preset and press a song that uses my new Midi Preset, it changes the existing preset scene to 2 but the preset doesn't change.
Sounds like BandHelper is not sending both MIDI messages on the one press. It sends the PC on first action and then the scene change CC on the second action. Snoop the MIDI it’s sending by sending it to a computer and using Bomes or something to watch what it’s doing.
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I set the FM3 (using midi channel 2) Scene Change back to 34, so I have Preset 401, Scene 2 as:
Program Change 3 0 17
Control Change 34 1

Midi from Bandhelper to the FM3:
sending data [B1, 00, 03, B1, 20, 00, C1, 11] to all ports
sending data [B1, 22, 01] to all ports
received data [B1, 00, 03]
received data [B1, 20, 00]
received data [C1, 11]
received data [B1, 22, 01]

Looks like it's sending it as it should.
Arlo helped with a solution by turning my onto a settings within the Bandhelper app in case anyone else runs into this.
Go into Settings on Bandhelper, then Audio & Midi, scroll down to the line below Midi Preset Order that says ...with Delay Between and add a .4 second delay.
With that set, it now changes the preset instantly, and .4 seconds later it'll select the proper scene.
Just curious... Why don't you have the preset itself saved to load on scene 2?
It's a multi-purpose preset. I could make an identical preset and have it default to scene 2, just trying to avoid clutter. I control the bulk of what I play through Bandhelper/Midi and won't have to touch the FM3 much during gigs.
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