FM3/Morningstar MC6 MIDI In

I've just tried it out - what an awesome feature! Two questions tho, maybe the guys who also use it can answer them:
  • In Scene or Preset mode, is there any way to page/scroll through the presets/scenes or is the amount limited to how many buttons your device has?
  • Using the editor, is there any way to activate presets beyond No. 127 + amount of buttons? The editor only offers me to select 127 as a starting point but my custom presets are currently in the 400something range.

No way to scroll through the presets/scenes at the moment.

I’ve submitted a request since beta version to have an option to go beyond preset 127, at the moment is not yet developed.

I requested to assign preset/scenes readout to specific switches not to go in another page/bank. I hope it will be developed.
No way to scroll through the presets/scenes at the moment.

I’ve submitted a request since beta version to have an option to go beyond preset 127, at the moment is not yet developed.

I requested to assign preset/scenes readout to specific switches not to go in another page/bank. I hope it will be developed.

Hey GI4th !

I have the MC6 MKII v 3.9.2 connected with midi in / midi out with my FM3 - all working great :) - please note I am not using the dedicated Axe Mode as I just set it up as I wanted ... all great :)

Quick Question ... no 2 way Midi Communication ?

If I have FM3 edit Open and I double click to turn on or off an effect on the screen in FM3 Edit- say the Phaser which I have on Button 1B - FM3 edit works fine and opens and closes the EFX accordingly - but the MC6 MKII Screen 1B Phaser Button never changes its state ?!?!

Is there a fix / way around this -or- is it not doable at all with v 3.9.2 ?

Many thanks,
Hey GI4th !

I have the MC6 MKII v 3.9.2 connected with midi in / midi out with my FM3 - all working great :) - please note I am not using the dedicated Axe Mode as I just set it up as I wanted ... all great :)

Quick Question ... no 2 way Midi Communication ?

If I have FM3 edit Open and I double click to turn on or off an effect on the screen in FM3 Edit- say the Phaser which I have on Button 1B - FM3 edit works fine and opens and closes the EFX accordingly - but the MC6 MKII Screen 1B Phaser Button never changes its state ?!?!

Is there a fix / way around this -or- is it not doable at all with v 3.9.2 ?

Many thanks,
Does it show the preset/scene names without using the Axe mode?
Hey GI4th !

I have the MC6 MKII v 3.9.2 connected with midi in / midi out with my FM3 - all working great :) - please note I am not using the dedicated Axe Mode as I just set it up as I wanted ... all great :)

Quick Question ... no 2 way Midi Communication ?

If I have FM3 edit Open and I double click to turn on or off an effect on the screen in FM3 Edit- say the Phaser which I have on Button 1B - FM3 edit works fine and opens and closes the EFX accordingly - but the MC6 MKII Screen 1B Phaser Button never changes its state ?!?!

Is there a fix / way around this -or- is it not doable at all with v 3.9.2 ?

Many thanks,
No, you can't.

MC6 send ON/OFF CC to FM3, but FM3 does not send any message to the MC6.
There is no MIDI out message that is sent when you change something on the FM3. So the MC6 does nothing.

You can set the foot switches of the FM3 to CS MIDI to send messages out, but this won't help you anyway.
As a side note: I did some experimenting to find out if it is possible to kind-of-rebuild the AxeFx Integration via the MC sending custom SysEx messages. I followed Fractal's Midi integration doc and at least I was able to get functions like "Query Scene name" to work.

However, for processing the resulsts (i.e. messages coming back from the Axe/FM) such as displaying preset/scene names or selecting presets/scenes, it seems that this doesn't work that easy (at least I wasn't able to figure it out). Morningstar appearently makes use of some kind of internally stored procedures for listing presets and scenes as part of their AxeFx integration feature which are not accessible via their SysEx API. However, I've only monitored the MIDI coming in on my MC6 so I may not see the full set of MIDI/SysEx interaction between both devices.

So my personal conclusion: raise feature requests to Morningstar and hope for them to be implemented any time soon :)
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