FM3 just for effects, straight into amp.

Senor Forum

Hey, all!

I did some searching and didn't quite find my answer, so hopefully a new thread isn't a burden. :)

I'm using my new FM3 straight into my amps, and just doing an Input->effects->output setup.

My unit is totally stock. Are there any settings / things I need to change or know in this setup? Any input or output values, globally or in the blocks that I should change?

Oh, and I ordered two Humbuster cables, since I'm using Out 2 to run to my amps. I'll be going out to 2 amps, to use stereo effects. :)

Any advice / tips would be awesome.

Thanks, all!
You might search the forum for info on 4 channel method (4CM). This lets you put FM3 overdrives and other effects in front of the amp and put delays and reverbs after the amp's preamp (i.e. in the effects loop). This gives you more flexibility.
You might search the forum for info on 4 channel method (4CM). This lets you put FM3 overdrives and other effects in front of the amp and put delays and reverbs after the amp's preamp (i.e. in the effects loop). This gives you more flexibility.
4 Cable Method...

Might be challenging on FM3 with multiple amps.
I would set the amps to as clean as they can get. Like 'no amp' clean, lol. This will allow you to really hear the FM3. If you end up driving your amps master volume really high, you may want to disable the Poweramp emulation in the FM3. Your ears will let you know.
I would set the amps to as clean as they can get. Like 'no amp' clean, lol. This will allow you to really hear the FM3. If you end up driving your amps master volume really high, you may want to disable the Poweramp emulation in the FM3. Your ears will let you know.

Does power amp emulation matter if I don’t have an amp block present in the chain?
I love running my FM3 with real amps. I’m usually going into their FX loops though. I’m pretty sure the way you’re doing it is fine. I can’t think of any specific settings that you really need to worry about.
I love running my FM3 with real amps. I’m usually going into their FX loops though. I’m pretty sure the way you’re doing it is fine. I can’t think of any specific settings that you really need to worry about.

Yeah, I was mostly just thinking about settings. -10 or +4? Changes to the in and out blocks?

Largely just looking for tips and tweaks, best practices, etc.

Thanks, man! :)
This is currently my most used setup. I use the FM3 as an effect modeler and run it into a Hiwatt and Marshall amp set clean.
You definitely want to go -10 (instrument level) if you are going into the input of the amp. I cant help much otherwise as I haven't tried going straight into an amp yet.
Actually, both -10 and +4 are line level... One is consumer and one is pro audio.

However, I agree that -10 is probably the better choice.

In any case, I'm not sure it matters if the signal involved isn't being amplified (such as with an Amp block).

In this scenario, it may be better to use Output 2 block as it's designed for Unity gain situations.

Not sure how that might affect things like Drive blocks or other intentional boosts that are added.
Man, I am loving this so much that I went ahead and ordered an FC6 to go with this. I almost did the FC12, but it wouldn't work with my pedalboard idea.

Absolutely stoked about the possibilities here.

I'm honestly shocked at how good the drives sound. The fuzz, while not exactly traditional, is amazing. The PI (muff) in particular.

My Chorus, Reverb, Phaser, Flanger, Delay - all can EASILY be replaced with, with most being flat out improved on.

Color me seriously impressed.
Guys, indulge me a sec please.
Are you going out 2, regular instrument cable to front of the amp? If so, how would you go out to 2 amps. I think I only have one 1/4" out.
Thanks a bunch
I work directly to a VOX AC30TB.
Through FM3 Out2 in stereo, with a mono jack cable in each output of the FM3 channel, and at the input of the AC30 a normal input and another bright input cable.
in FM3 the output level is 10/10 and the volume of the AC30 is 4/10.
the presets without amp and without cab.
you have to be careful to assign to each preset the OUT2
and the level of preset I recommend -10db
like this

this sounds like heaven

I also recommend that you always use the clean channel in your amplifier, and in the solo scene put a boost behind the drive

and control the final volume of each scene in block out2

+2db/+4db in solo scene is good
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