FM3 Input Clipping

Help, my Input signal is clipping, I'm using Majesty 6 Artisan which have hot output, my input signal is clipping. Im using the latest firmware.
- I/O settings
Input source: ANALOG
INPUT 1 PAD: 0 db. I can't lower this one on negative, it's like the 0 is the minimum.

- This are default, Output level -10dBV
If FM3 is anything like the Axe FX 2, red does not mean "Clipping". It means "-6db".
By design, you should set your input level to light up the red light when you hit your strings harder.
I remember being hated on for expressing my opinion, but I still think this is not a good design choice. I don't understand why it was made that way. Red should be a clipping warning.

Anyway, if you want to see your input levels, and make sure you are not clipping, there should be a menu somewhere, where you could see the input VU meters on the screen.
If FM3 is anything like the Axe FX 2, red does not mean "Clipping". It means "-6db".
By design, you should set your input level to light up the red light when you hit your strings harder.
I remember being hated on for expressing my opinion, but I still think this is not a good design choice. I don't understand why it was made that way. Red should be a clipping warning.

Anyway, if you want to see your input levels, and make sure you are not clipping, there should be a menu somewhere, where you could see the input VU meters on the screen.
I remember you being vigorously disagreed with. Don’t remember the hate part.
Help, my Input signal is clipping, I'm using Majesty 6 Artisan which have hot output, my input signal is clipping. Im using the latest firmware.
- I/O settings
Input source: ANALOG
INPUT 1 PAD: 0 db. I can't lower this one on negative, it's like the 0 is the minimum.

- This are default, Output level -10dBV
You actually increase the number. I set it to 18 for my majesty guitar.
I remember you being vigorously disagreed with. Don’t remember the hate part.
Haha, it was so passionate, I could imagine flames in everyone's eyes.
I never saw anyone so fussed about a tiny red LED before. Axe FX is less than perfect? Can't be! I just see it as a tiny silly quirk.
Haha, it was so passionate, I could imagine flames in everyone's eyes.
I never saw anyone so fussed about a tiny red LED before. Axe FX is less than perfect? Can't be! I just see it as a tiny silly quirk.
Flames are all too easy to imagine. I’ve done so myself.

I still think it was a good choice for a single-LED warning.
Thanks everyone! I’m coming from Axe FX2 that’s why I was thinking why I cant set it to negative lol but im all good I followed Admin and Chris instruction. Now off to shred
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