FM3 Firmware Version 4.00 beta 3

It's based on temperature. It's going to depend on the ambient temperature and the load on the FM3. Someone posted the details of the fan behavior a few pages back.
But to circle back. It’s probably also possible he won’t have the fan issue at all since some folks are literally experiencing upon turning the unit on.
Sorry to bother you guys again ... but i'm still clueless: I saved all files before updating to beta 3, updated to beta 3 and only checked out a few things and then rolled back to beta 2: Do i have to reimport all my backup files, or am i good to go? (I just sent beta 2 again through FracBot)
I didn't change any settings or presets, i only played a bit on beta 3 ...
I don't want to "ruin" my presets by going back and forth ...
You should be OK and not need to reimport your settings is my understanding, I was able upgrade my presets without reimporting them, just need to rest the channel as noted at the beginning of this thread,

Also getting the internal chirping from unit itself.

This was helpful, in my electronic professional opinion that chirping is a two (or three) part issue:
1. The firmware update has caused the processor(s) to run a little warmer and possibly combined with a different threshold being introduced to the temp/cooling system. (When it engages or not) has the fans running more often.
2. As high quality the FAS products are, these little cooling fans are all made in places where quality control can be questionable and it appears some of the fans on units are not as mechanically stable and are physically rubbing the fan housing due to oscillation imbalance, especially at higher speeds. Since the fans are now running more the likelihood of finding some units with less than perfect fans is being revealed.

…then again I could be totally wrong!
I could be completely wrong, but the sound coming from mine does not sound anything like the sound of the fan when it’s running. And it doesn’t sound like it’s coming from the same area as the fan. But since others are experiencing issues with the fan, I suppose this could be related.

“The chirping fan that some have experienced in builds up to 4.00b4 should be fixed in this build. Special thanks to a few customers for helping to test this.”

It’s good to know my troubleshooting skills are still intact.
My fan is always on under FW 4.00 beta 3
The "chirping" (the sound similar to a hard drive makes when accessing data on fragmented disk) is very faint. I had to put my ear against the fan to be able to even hear it and pick it up from blowing air sound.

Tested: Unplugging the fan stops the "chirping".

I might be completely off on this one, but here it goes: Could it be that, because of the bug in firmware, the fan is receiving intermittent voltage instead of constant one and that creates the "chirping" as the fan motor is engaged several times a second?

BTW, my fan is not a factory one, I replaced it with Noctua fan a long time ago. No dust nor debris on fan blades.
The intermittent theory seems completely plausible. The fact you have opened up yours makes it very reasonable. The only reason I brought up dirt was some seemed completely unwilling to consider common issues in the electronic world.…then seemed completely willing to except things that were virtually impossible.

Now, I’m off to beta 5. Good Luck everyone.
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