FM3-Edit 1.06.10

Michael Pickens

FAS Software Engineer
Fractal Audio Systems
FM3-Edit 1.06.10 is now available via auto-update or from our website:


VERSION 1.06.10
June 10, 2024

Current FM3 Firmware Version: 8.00

  • Mac version requires OS version 10.13 or newer
  • Windows version requires Windows 7 or newer
  • Minimum firmware version 2.00


* Corrected the "Reset Current Channel" to work on the Controllers block.

* Corrected the Audition functionality in the Manage Presets Browser window to keep the window focus when auditioning with up and down arrow keys.

* Modified the "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" to take into account a Cab block's channel Mode selection such that DynaCab selections are shown correctly in the resulting "Export Preset+Cab Bundle" dialog.

* Corrected the selected control's focus rectangle to track with the focused control.

* Corrected an issue in FC Edit and FC Per-Preset Edit in which clicking a footswitch while a "Custom Label" was open for editing would apply the edited label to the newly clicked switch.

* Corrected an issue in "Set in multiple presets" in which the relative position of the control was sent instead of the last queried relative position from the device. Due to pixel differences, the editor's relative position of a control may not match exactly to the device's internally calculated value.
update was found and installed upon starting fm3 edit. thanks!
makes me hope for 8.1 later today :)
Hmmm, mine still can't find the update, strange as "check for updates at startup" is now checked, though it wasn't initially (this on Windoz 8.1)?

Guess I'll do it manually, and now it's successfully installed.
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