FM3 Dual Pitch+ Shimmer Preset


Hi all, I switched from Kemper to an FM3 and I´m not looking back at all. I actually really like the fractal amp models & fx over the Kemper.

Some ambient tones Dual Pitch+Shimmer with my fractal FM3

this is my first preset hope you like it.
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Your previous title made it appear you're wanting to start a debate. Those sort of conversations never end well. In your case it would be more appropriate to just give us your A/B comparison of the two units.

There are people here that use units from different manufacturers as needed. As they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Thanks for changing the title.
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Your title makes it appear you're wanting to start a debate. Those sort of conversations never end well. In your case it would be more appropriate to just give us your A/B comparison of the two units.

There are people here that use units from different manufacturers as needed. As they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Thanks for changing the title.
ok boss.
That is a good sounding preset. You may actually want to post in the preset area because that's where someone interested in this would be most likely to notice it.

That is if your intent is to share it.
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Hi all, I switched from Kemper to an FM3 and I´m not looking back at all. I actually really like the fractal amp models & fx over the Kemper.

Some ambient tones Dual Pitch+Shimmer with my fractal FM3

this is my first preset hope you like it.

Hi Wilber, I like the preset a lot and have sent you an email, but got no reply. Would you be able to share the preset? @wilguitar
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