Flanger models


Fractal Fanatic
What are the flanger models available in this new firmware?
Waiting to try them on the fx8
I think the models are all the same but they whole things is "re-written". According to FW release notes:

The Flanger block has been completely rewritten. The new algorithms now model the behavior of classic bucket-brigade device (BBD) units (except they are true stereo). Any existing presets will need to be auditioned and possibly edited. The Depth parameter works somewhat differently now and sets the maximum delay time (up to 20 ms). When Auto Depth is not off the maximum delay is reduced as the rate is increased. There are now three Auto Depth values: Low, Medium and High. Turning Auto Depth to Off allows complete control over the delay time. The minimum time is set by the Delay parameter and the maximum time is set by the Depth. Several new Flanger types have been added which demonstrate the new algorithms.
Yes i've read the release notes, maybe I had to use the word "types" instead of models.
"Several new Flanger types have been added which demonstrate the new algorithms", just wanted to know what these new types are.. Is there an electric mistress type for example?
Not sure, I think new "types" been announced in release fw notes as example from 12.03 "Added a Barber Pole Phaser type to the Phaser block... etc..."

but who knows... been playing all day and havent checked flangers properly ;)
Yes i've read the release notes, maybe I had to use the word "types" instead of models.
"Several new Flanger types have been added which demonstrate the new algorithms", just wanted to know what these new types are.. Is there an electric mistress type for example?


Pop flanger is one, a phase reversed thru zero flange, a couple others I can't remember the names of. Mistress type would just be an analog flanger (it just a standard BBD style flanger with modulation. The matrix mode just stops the sweep . you can check my blog here:

for the values to use
I have a few Blogs on effects here:

The patches are very old and probably wont sound right, but the information on the original effects still pertains.
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