First Practice with QSC HPR122i - really need advice?

ok so I'm getting an SPL meter because I like to reference real data that can be measured more then very subjective descriptions I'm trying to explain, lol. But I wont have it until next week…

I'm wondering… is it really even plausible that the Ultra could put out a signal to the QSC that it couldn't couldn't handle? As far as frequencies that were too low or a signal that's too hot? when the output 1 is only set at around 2pm. And, the QSC gain is at 2pm as well. I'm just baffled. I guess I just need to do these tests next week and see
I was just typing in a regular sentence when it turned into a rhyme ..

My Vetta used to fart like crazy...
My Axe-fx never has...
Trade that Vetta in son
cuz I ain't got no amp GAS!!!

Anyhow... don't forget (which I'm sure you haven't) tuning down to A gives off a ton of low end that most guitar setups may or may not be able to handle, then on top of that throwing those WarPig(Weed)s :D into the mix "lowers" (pun intended) the bar even more so!!!!! Now you're in the Elephant balls region and the QSC may not be able to handle Elephant balls...
mortega76 said:
I was just typing in a regular sentence when it turned into a rhyme ..

My Vetta used to fart like crazy...
My Axe-fx never has...
Trade that Vetta in son
cuz I ain't got no amp GAS!!!

Anyhow... don't forget (which I'm sure you haven't) tuning down to A gives off a ton of low end that most guitar setups may or may not be able to handle, then on top of that throwing those WarPig(Weed)s :D into the mix "lowers" (pun intended) the bar even more so!!!!! Now you're in the Elephant balls region and the QSC may not be able to handle Elephant balls...

damn those balls lol

but isnt the 122i designed to be used as a PA as well, with bass guitar and hip hop bass loops being played through them in theory? I'd think a guitar no matter what its tuned to could offer up anything it couldn't handle? Correct me if I'm wrong on this?
I wouldn't be able to correct you on this (or much of anything else for that matter) cuz I have no clue! :D
rsf1977 said:
mortega76 said:
I was just typing in a regular sentence when it turned into a rhyme ..

My Vetta used to fart like crazy...
My Axe-fx never has...
Trade that Vetta in son
cuz I ain't got no amp GAS!!!

Anyhow... don't forget (which I'm sure you haven't) tuning down to A gives off a ton of low end that most guitar setups may or may not be able to handle, then on top of that throwing those WarPig(Weed)s :D into the mix "lowers" (pun intended) the bar even more so!!!!! Now you're in the Elephant balls region and the QSC may not be able to handle Elephant balls...

damn those balls lol

but isnt the 122i designed to be used as a PA as well, with bass guitar and hip hop bass loops being played through them in theory? I'd think a guitar no matter what its tuned to could offer up anything it couldn't handle? Correct me if I'm wrong on this?

Well yes and no. Its also designed as a PA, but as a TOP, for those hip hop bass lines etc it is supposed to have a sub handling thoses low freqs.
I have a pair of HPR181s too, I use them with the 122s when I play bass (which fortunately never involves actually transporting them anywhere). It works great, but they don't add much to a guitar signal chain (lots of low end in the stage mix messes everything up, IMO).

I will say that QSC power ratings are awfully optimistic - they rate the subs higher than the circuit breaker would allow. I asked them about this on their forums and they were really evasive about it.
due to my FRFR frustrations I hooked up my Ultra with Cab IRs off to my Carvin DCM 150 and plugged it into my Voodoo Amps 4x12 (V30s & 75s X-Pattern) and I am now a believer. I don't really need think I'm ready for FRFR and all that comes with it, yet. I found this more traditional hybrid set up sounds fantastic. I think as I work with my Ultra and learn more about signal chains and all that techy jazz I might try it again, but for now for Live purposes I'm back to the 4x12 and poweramp. It sounds killer and I know this gear and I'm comfortable with what it can do. Thanks to everyone who offered help. I'm still going to test that QSC and see if it's got a gremlin in it but I'm not going to pursue it as a solution for now.
Damn Ryan... you may have just confirmed my thoughts as well... I just don't see how one 12 inch speaker can compete with a total of eight 12 inch speakers (in my setup)... thanks for taking us through your experience.
mortega76 said:
Damn Ryan... you may have just confirmed my thoughts as well... I just don't see how one 12 inch speaker can compete with a total of eight 12 inch speakers (in my setup)... thanks for taking us through your experience.

Yea, well the question was more of volume and my technical knowledge for the most part rather then tone. I know the ins-n-outs of a guitar cab and mic setup, and I don't know much about playing direct to FOH and through PA/Monitor speakers. So for me right now it makes sense to take this first step towards leaving tubes and heads behind and using the Ultra with a poweramp and cab. And I demoed it last night and damn I felt like i was cheating on my dual recto it sounded so good lol.
rsf1977 said:
mortega76 said:
Ultra with a poweramp and cab.

That's exactly what I did some time ago.. much happier since! My struggle with the QSC had nothing to do with volume though, I had plenty of that. Just so much easier to dial in my tones.
Robboman said:
rsf1977 said:
mortega76 said:
Ultra with a poweramp and cab.

That's exactly what I did some time ago.. much happier since! My struggle with the QSC had nothing to do with volume though, I had plenty of that. Just so much easier to dial in my tones.

yea taking cab IRs and mic IRs out of the equation makes life a lot simpler. I already love my real 4x12 so now it's all about amp tones and effects. I like it that way
i'm not sure about your volume issues,but the speaker farting out,that happens when you feed a speaker too low of a frequency than it can handle.QSC rates the hpr122i at 62hz to 18khz at realisticaly it's prob. closer to 70hz to E on a standard tuned guitar is around 80hz,on a standard tuned bass open E is around 62hz.your down to A plus whatever overtones your adding with distortion.i don't own a hpr122i,but is there a sweepable low filter on it?if there is,set it to about 50 to 60 hz and cut it around 12db,you'll lose your lowend somewhat,but it might keep the speaker from farting out.
RDeraz said:
i'm not sure about your volume issues,but the speaker farting out,that happens when you feed a speaker too low of a frequency than it can handle.QSC rates the hpr122i at 62hz to 18khz at realisticaly it's prob. closer to 70hz to E on a standard tuned guitar is around 80hz,on a standard tuned bass open E is around 62hz.your down to A plus whatever overtones your adding with distortion.i don't own a hpr122i,but is there a sweepable low filter on it?if there is,set it to about 50 to 60 hz and cut it around 12db,you'll lose your lowend somewhat,but it might keep the speaker from farting out.

well there is a low frequency cut switch but it isn't adjustable and it cuts at 100hz and below. But I guess i could just put a PEQ at the end of the chain to cut out frequencies below whatever i wanted
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