First Post, Total Newbie Who Doesn't Understand Anything

1. In addition to my guitar and the Fx, what else do I need? It seems I need a FRFR speaker, right? I can't just run the Fx through the front of my AC15, my Matchless Avalon, or the Matchless Cab? (Or I can, but it won't sound good?) Anything else I need?

2. How do I connect the things that I need? (In other words, what inputs and outputs am I connecting, and with what types of cables?)

3. Assuming I have all the necessary components and have connected everything correctly, can I just start playing the Fx out of the box? If not, what should I read to learn how to use the Fx effectively?

First off, no such thing as a dumb/steupid question and don't be intimidated by some of the wide range of responses you will probably receive from the more "direct" members of the forum ;).

1. Loaded question: If you wish to simulate Amps/Cabs that are different from your AC15 & Matchless in the SAME fashion you currently have, yes, a FRFR amp solution would be ideal. If you desire only to use the AFX as a pre or post effects solution (big mistake ;) ), then you COULD run it directly in to your amps to deliver JUST effects. Like I mentioned, that would be a mistake IMHO and 9 month experience utilizing the power of the AFX II. I am running my AFX to a A/B switch going into my Samson studio monitors (FRFR) and my live sound PA simulation into a Behringer mixer.

2. Depends on your above scenario but essentially you would plugin your guitar to the front instrument panel, then run your Output 1/2 out to your FRFR solution or directly into your studio monitors/studio system equipment. So basic 1/4 inch cables and/or XLR cables depending on your I/O of your system. NOTE: If you plug in your AFX using the Direct Outputs to your Vox or Matchless thinking that it will sound good, you are wrong ;) . I first started by plugging my AFX into my Mesa F-50 Amp thinking it would sound okay, and I could not have been more WRONG. Ideal scenarios require flat response full range equipment to simulate different amps accurately. Don't do what I did thinking that it would sound good through just anything.

3. Absolutely, yes. You can start by going through the basic built-in presets of 000-149 (or 001-150 with the display/MFC offset [more later if you invest]) to check out the versatility of the AFX. Some awesome entry-level vids to start off with:

G66: 8 Great Axe-Fx II Factory Presets - Cooper Carter (name to remember)

Axe-Fx II FW12: Amp demonstration

Hope that helps mate, good luck (in the 'Taken voice')
Here's a dumb follow-up question:

I see sometimes in pictures and videos that people have their Fx's in a case, but it's rarely ever just the Fx sitting alone in the case. There is usually one (or more) other rig components. I'm not talking about a back-up Fx. I'm talking about other rack thingies (that's the technical term, right?).

My question is whether there are some rack components that most believe are necessary (or are at least customary) to have along with the Fx. If I buy a 2u rack, is that enough? Or should I go ahead and get a 4u rack because there will be some components I will most likely want to add next to the Fx?
Here's a dumb follow-up question:

I see sometimes in pictures and videos that people have their Fx's in a case, but it's rarely ever just the Fx sitting alone in the case. There is usually one (or more) other rig components. I'm not talking about a back-up Fx. I'm talking about other rack thingies (that's the technical term, right?).

My question is whether there are some rack components that most believe are necessary (or are at least customary) to have along with the Fx. If I buy a 2u rack, is that enough? Or should I go ahead and get a 4u rack because there will be some components I will most likely want to add next to the Fx?

I like a power conditioner in there. 1U.

But it's not necessary. I just like insurance for my $4k + pieces of hardware. ( runs power to the 2 CLR's that I have as well.)

Others might be set up differently. A Matrix poweramp, or other FX they can't do without or can't replicate in the Axe. Sometimes a tray for Pedals, or switch boxes for more elaborate setups.

None of which you really need to be concerned with (i.e., not necessary.)
Hello and welcome to the forum!!

You have come to the right place, :) this forum is an awesome resource for all kinds of knowledge
and people are very willing to share and help here. I know how you feel, I felt the same when I first
joined the forum and got my axe fx II ... I still don't know much about what it really can do, but I have learned
so much just from hanging around here and read and ask around.

This place is packed with knowledge.

Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question! Just stupid answers ..


Axe Edit is your friend, use it and see how other people build their presets, and how the factory presets are organized,
and use the wiki .. the manual has very nice graphical layouts of different hookups and example of connection methods,
suggestion of cables and such (if I don't remember wrong)
My question is whether there are some rack components that most believe are necessary (or are at least customary) to have along with the Fx. If I buy a 2u rack, is that enough? Or should I go ahead and get a 4u rack because there will be some components I will most likely want to add next to the Fx?

To echo electronpirate, yes, a power conditioner is a requirement for myself. In reality your AFX and MFC will replace all your gear if you learn how to use it properly. The power conditioner (typically Furman) is a component that nearly guarantees clean power to your FRFR system and AFX. It's important to protect the gear from any back-feed electrical hazards also. I would invest in the following:

Gator 4U Rack

Basic Furman M-8Dx Conditioner

Keep in mind, the cheaper the conditioner, the chances are that it really IS NOT a conditioner. Some state that they are ($50-70 models) but are not. Make sure it states verbiage like: "AC Noise Filtering Reduces Radio Frequency (Rfi) & Electromagnetic Interference (Emi)"
To echo electronpirate, yes, a power conditioner is a requirement for myself. In reality your AFX and MFC will replace all your gear if you learn how to use it properly. The power conditioner (typically Furman) is a component that nearly guarantees clean power to your FRFR system and AFX. It's important to protect the gear from any back-feed electrical hazards also. I would invest in the following:

Gator 4U Rack

Basic Furman M-8Dx Conditioner

Keep in mind, the cheaper the conditioner, the chances are that it really IS NOT a conditioner. Some state that they are ($50-70 models) but are not. Make sure it states verbiage like: "AC Noise Filtering Reduces Radio Frequency (Rfi) & Electromagnetic Interference (Emi)"

Awesome! Thanks so much!!!
Thanks for asking this lucky ... I just hooked mine up tonight with some help from G66 on YouTube ... I've had it since August .. I am so intimidated by it ... Never messed with anything this "involved" ... The response you have gotten from the post really makes me feel great about this community too !!!! Sure hope they believe the whole "no stupid question" thing

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If you could work the POD, you can work the Axe, it has more parameters but basically a modeler is a modeler, just like an amp is a amp. Different tones possible between them, but pretty simple operation
Well, Christmas came a little early for me . . .

Many 3 (and sometimes 2) space rack cases are kind of shallow, so you couldn't have the axe plugged in with the covers on, as such, the 4 space racks, commonly the Gator ($89 on sale most places right now) is a very popular choice and works great if you want to rack your Axe and add a cheap Furman power unit (about $55 shipped), gives you one extra space for a wireless unit down the road, or a custom panel to move some connections to the front. You can just get a blank cover panel for about $7 or so to fill in the space.

Doesn't really add any weight having a 4u rack and its nice to have some expansion space depending on what your future needs may be
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