First gig

I'm using my fm9 tonight for my first time and I'm freaking out.
I play out about 6or7 times a month. Long time tube amp user. I'm excited about carrying less gear but I'm nervous something will go wrong with the fm9.

I just would like to hear some people tell me that I have nothing to worry abou
I'm using my fm9 tonight for my first time and I'm freaking out.
I play out about 6or7 times a month. Long time tube amp user. I'm excited about carrying less gear but I'm nervous something will go wrong with the fm9.

I just would like to hear some people tell me that I have nothing to worry abou
I'm using my fm9 tonight for my first time and I'm freaking out.
I play out about 6or7 times a month. Long time tube amp user. I'm excited about carrying less gear but I'm nervous something will go wrong with the fm9.

I just would like to hear some people tell me that I have nothing to worry about.

Enjoy not lugging around 75 lbs of stuff and three trips from the car. Over time you’ll work out the time you hear. For me there was a time I had to get used to hearing the fm3 vs a guitar amp sitting in the floor they are different from each other if u use a frfr cab. Each with advantages over the other but it will be great if you play 6-7 a month I play about that much myself and lugging less gear is great
Well. It went great. Tons of compliments from the band and fans. But most importantly the other musicians in the crowd commented that my tone was excellent.
Had to do a little tweaking here and there but I'm happy with the results. Now if I can just get used to the way it sounds on stage verses a normal amp set up.

Thanks Guys
It is like having a fucking Sweetwater unlimited card and you don't have to pay every time. Buy once, cry once. MOST of the time in life, that fairs well. Some exceptions, obviously.
Well. It went great. Tons of compliments from the band and fans. But most importantly the other musicians in the crowd commented that my tone was excellent.
That's been my experience. It sounds so much better when in the audience.

A friend of mine bought my old AX8 and the first time I heard him using it on stage was a night and day difference in his sound for the better. He's very experienced and had used a different brand's old pedal board for ages, but the AX8 was a whole new level of sound for him.

Had to do a little tweaking here and there but I'm happy with the results. Now if I can just get used to the way it sounds on stage verses a normal amp set up.
Once we get to stage volume and our brain gets out of the way of what we're actually hearing, there are usually some little changes, and resonances from the stage that have to be tweaked, but I love how my rig sounds. I've always used my amps tipped back so I'm very used to the "miked", on-axis, sound so the modeler into an FRFR was no big deal, but I can see why it'd be weird to someone not used to doing that.
Glad to hear it went well.

I played 8 years of gigs with my 2008 Axe-FX Std without issues. But I always had my old Boss GT-8 in the car with a few "get me through the gig patches". I never needed it. But it was nice knowing it was there. I still play through my Standard every day 14 years later without issue.

Even something cheap like a Boss GT-1 with a handful of patches programmed would be worth it for piece of mind.
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