First gig success! Time to sell some amps!


My first gig with the AX8 exceeded my expectations. I've been using a Friedman Dirty Shirley, Tim OD and FX8 for a couple of years now and thought I'd never get a modeler to sound as good. Truth told, the AX8 sounds better. For this first gig, I wanted to keep it simple...I set it up to work like my FX8 but I used a BE and the German Boutique.

Long story short: Our bassist and soundman have been very negative toward my switch to digital, but everyone said that it sounded just like an amp. What I hadn't expected is that some audience members that have seen us a lot said that while they usually can't hear me in the mix, they could hear me well last night. I'll add that my IEM mix was clean too...I could hear everything really well. The room we were in sounds awful and is always LOUD...before IEM, everything would just run together in a big sound bomb. With amp and IEMs, it was better but still, even with sealed earbuds, I was getting competition from my amp.

While I do want to limit the number of amps I'm using (I could be perfectly happy with the rig I used last night), I am now anxious to get into some more amps. The BE sounded right for 90% of our list, but there are some songs (Tom Petty for example) where something more classic would work even better. In order to cover a variety of these more classic tones, from what I've auditioned so far, I think I'll start with the DC30 and/or JTM45.

My only complaint is the gaps between sounds in scene and preset switching. I knew about this, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. However, I know that I will eventually get a sense of timing.

As mentioned at the top, overall I am amazed at how great this sounded. I wish I figured this out with my first AX8 two years ago--especially because I DIG walking in with a pedalboard that is smaller and lighter and that replaces my amp and cab. I've been storing a rolling cart in my backseat floorboard of my car, and it rattles...I don't need it anymore!
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An early suggestion as you go forward on more amps. Working with my sound man, I discovered some of my amp EQs that sounded great alone made for tough sledding for the FOH mix. Give some time listening to how the amp sounds work with one another to avoid mud/ice pick highs/etc and you’ll be golden.

Congrats on the successful first flight this go around! I look forward to hearing from you. :)
Congrats @macfly ! I recall my first gig with the AX8. I was terrified and brought my entire amp rig, JUST IN CASE. . It gets so much better as you dial in your tones and try different amps, etc. We play classic rock from 60’s to today. I can now achieve a wide variety of convincing tones for our set list. It’s really cool to have other guitar players ask me how I’m getting all those tones. Good luck and enjoy the journey. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
AX8 Straight to PA bringing one big advantage to sound man....there is no ambient sound, which is everytime when using mike. This is the reason why your sound is clear and get thru the mix (but not the only one). The same advantage is using IEM instead of floor monitors.
I think the success of ax8 straight to PA depends 70% of the quality of the PA
Yeah, we are blessed to have really nice stuff. Our bassist is a sound engineer, and the guy we hire to run it is an absolute pro. I worry about this a little because I have a really consistent sub gig in a band that doesn't have a great PA, nor a sound man, and the guy that sets up the mixer doesn't have a great ear.
An early suggestion as you go forward on more amps. Working with my sound man, I discovered some of my amp EQs that sounded great alone made for tough sledding for the FOH mix. Give some time listening to how the amp sounds work with one another to avoid mud/ice pick highs/etc and you’ll be golden.

Congrats on the successful first flight this go around! I look forward to hearing from you. :)

Good advice from @Rick I found that the lo cut and high cut on the cab helped my live sound.

Yeah I learned about trimming down the frequency range with my first AX8, but just didn't master it. I also spent a lot of time with mp3s choosing a cab that would cut through in the mix. I actually made four versions of my presets, each with a different cab so I could respond if the sound man needed anything. I think that was a good part of the solo flight success. As it turned out I'd chosen a good cab right out of the shoot. I walked out front and the soundman and I dialed it in--took about two minutes.

Oh one funny thing: after every set I turned and reached to hit my standby. I'd guess that's a testament to how great it sounded! First time was understandable, but the second and third made it hilarious!

My process this time started by eq'ing things through a Mackie 402 and QSC K8, then dialing my IEMs to taste. It was pretty quick and easy. Then before soundcheck the soundman and I dialed in my channel in the PA.

However, I COULD USE EVERYONE'S ADVICE ON THIS: Since I'm digging my in-ear mix but my master eq was still not quite up to snuff, I thought I'd use a 4-band parametric between AX8 and FOH. I thought that would offer a better starting point for FOH and maybe make my odds a little better with the guy that doesn't have a great ear. However I know that people do this without the additional gear. I did not trim at the cab. Should I try that before I add another piece of gear to the equation? The reason for the parametric is that he not only rolled off top and bottom, but also around 3K. I'm not sure how reliable nor easily I could do that on the fly with just the AX8. I am bringing a rack to house my IEM and a mixer/eq to allow me to quickly balance and eq, which helps me fit the guitar in my IEM mix (I push the mids a little for my guitar and pull them down a little for the band mix. The rack has an open space, so the parametric won't cost me any real estate or extra luggage. Anyway, what do you think?
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Don't forget, the Dirty Shirley is in your AX8.

Yeah! I actually used the Dirty Shirley 2 and Tim OD, with settings just as I have done with my rig, and got a really close result. I could not, however, find a perfect version of my cab, which is a Marshall 2061cx with G12-80s from a JCM800 cab in it.

In the end, I like the BE with Bogner cab better. In real life I bought a Smallbox 50 first but didn't like how stiff it felt...the DS has a much more natural, organic feel to it, particularly in the low end. It feels more like a JTM45 or plexi 50. In the past I'd modified a couple of amps to solve that problem--reduced the filter cap values to let the amp--for example, an Egnater Seminar--to breathe a little. I just didn't want to go modding this brand new $2500 amp, so I returned it and got the DS.

The Dirty Shirley patch I made will eventually make it's way into our set list. Right now I just want to focus on one amp and get that right on gigs so that when I start mixing them up I'll know how to set them up and what to look out for. I've also just started on a DC30 patch that will probably be my Tom Petty sound...I paired it with a Marshall AX cab, and it's got AC30 spank with balls! Damn I love this thing! It's really getting me excited about playing again!!!
Congrats @macfly ! I recall my first gig with the AX8. I was terrified and brought my entire amp rig, JUST IN CASE. . It gets so much better as you dial in your tones and try different amps, etc. We play classic rock from 60’s to today. I can now achieve a wide variety of convincing tones for our set list. It’s really cool to have other guitar players ask me how I’m getting all those tones. Good luck and enjoy the journey. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

Full disclosure, I had my amp and cab in the car just in case ;) I'll probably bring it to a couple more gigs--especially on the sub gigs just to be safe.
AX8 Straight to PA bringing one big advantage to sound man....there is no ambient sound, which is everytime when using mike. This is the reason why your sound is clear and get thru the mix (but not the only one). The same advantage is using IEM instead of floor monitors.

For sure. Our other guitar is really impressed with the AX8, so I'd expect he'll buy one in the coming weeks. He tried direct guitar using some cheapie stuff and got discouraged, but I think this got his attention. If that happens our stage thing will really clean up--we'll become a soundman's wet dream!
Wanted you guys to know I was listening. I tried a couple of your suggestions and [no surprise] they seem to be helping:
1. Using cab settings to squeeze it down to guitar frequencies. I hadn't really noticed a difference in my IEM rig but I actually ran the AX8 through my stereo tonight and heard the difference (I don't have a PA, but will try it in a monitor system at rehearsal tomorrow). I realize there's a big difference between PA and my stereo, but the change is in the range that the soundman was chopping out, so I'm hoping I have a more plug and play eq now.
2. Dirty Shirley - Tweaked it out just as I do in the real world gave a great starting point. Then compared it to the DC30 and 1959 I was working on and realized it can replace both of those amps. So, I think i can do my gigs with two amps/cabs. Perfect.

Thanks for your help @Rick , @Geezerjohn and @CSW!
I find I get to Mike Campbell/TP sounds with tweeds over AC15-30 in AX8.....and prefer the Matchless over Vox amps. Give that a try.
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I was super nervous the first time i brought my AX8 to use at church. We have a SUPER nice PA system and we crank it too! I mainly use either the DC30 for edge of breakup tones or the Jazz 120 for cleans. Now every time i play i get nothing but compliments on my tone and how good the AX8 sounds.

I need to try out the Dirty Shirley amp sometime in the AX8.
The BE sounded right for 90% of our list, but there are some songs (Tom Petty for example) where something more classic would work even better. In order to cover a variety of these more classic tones, from what I've auditioned so far, I think I'll start with the DC30 and/or JTM45.

I am in a Tom Petty Tribute in Australia. I have been using the JTM for stuff like Break Down and Refugee etc but most of the other stuff I have been using HiWatt amps. Nice clean distortion - not too heavy. The leads can sing with the fat switch and a little bit of com in the output tab.

Regardless of the amp, I have kept theCab the same for each song. Good luck on your journey.
I find I get to Mike Campbell/TP sounds with tweeds over AC15-30 in AX8.....and prefer the Matchless over Vox amps. Give that a try.
Cool, thanks. I have a couple of banks of amps to try in rehearsal, including some tweeds and the DC30.
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